HB66 | VEH CD-INSURANCE MINIMUMS (REP. DIANE BLAIR-SHERLOCK) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Establishes that a motor vehicle owner shall provide a liability policy and every such policy or bond is subject, if the motor vehicle crash has resulted in bodily injury or death, to a limit, exclusive of interest and costs, of not less than $50,000 (rather than $25,000) because of bodily injury to or death of any one person in any one motor vehicle crash and, subject to said limit for one person, to a limit of not less than $100,000 (rather $50,000) because of bodily injury to or death of 2 or more persons in any one motor vehicle crash, and, if the motor vehicle crash has resulted in injury to or destruction of property, to a limit of not less than $40,000 (rather than $20,000). Requires a motor vehicle owner or any person that maintains, uses, or operates a motor vehicle to furnish proof of financial responsibility in the amounts provided. Establishes that a judgment arising out of a motor vehicle crash is deemed satisfied once the specified policy amount is credited toward the judgment. Effective immediately. |
| Current Status: | 2/19/2025 - House Judiciary - Civil |
| Recent Status: | 2/4/2025 - Assigned to House Judiciary - Civil 1/29/2025 - Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Rick Ryan
| Comments: | Collisions with underinsured vehicles cause a great deal of financial issues for motorcyclists, but there is concern that this bill might cause even higher insurance premiums in Illinois. ABATE is monitoring and talking with stakeholders on this bill. |
| Report Position: | Monitor |
| State Bill Page: | HB66 |
HB1226 | VEH CD-EXAMS (REP. JAY HOFFMAN) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires every applicant for the renewal of a driver's license who is 79 years or older to renew in person. Requires every applicant for the renewal of a driver's license who is 87 years of age or or who is 75 years of age or older and holds a commercial driver's license to prove, by an actual demonstration, the applicant's ability to exercise reasonable care in the safe operation of a motor vehicle. Allows an immediate family member to submit information to the Secretary of State relative to the medical condition of a person if the condition interferes with the person's ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Requires information to be submitted in writing in a manner and form approved by the Secretary and shall include the name of the person submitting the information. Prohibits the Secretary from accepting or acting on anonymous reports. Makes other changes. Effective July 1, 2026. |
| Current Status: | 2/19/2025 - House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety |
| Recent Status: | 2/11/2025 - Assigned to House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety 2/7/2025 - Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Adam M. Niemerg
| Comments: | ABATE supports efforts to remove the mandatory age testing requirement with regard to driving and riding. This bill has bipartisan support and the support of the Secretary of State. It also allows for a close family member to swear out a statement if they believe that their family has a medical issue impacting their ability to drive. This matches the standards of many other states. Sister bill is SB91 in the Senate |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | HB1226 |
HB1263 | VEH CD-NON-HIGHWAY VEHICLES (REP. JOHN CABELLO) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the operation of a non-highway vehicle is authorized if it is operated only on streets where the posted speed limit is 55 (rather than 35) miles per hour or less and the use of the non-highway vehicle is permitted by the unit of local government. Provides that a non-highway vehicle may cross a road or street at an intersection where the road or street has a posted speed limit of more than 55 (rather than 35) miles per hour. Provides that a county board located in a county that permits the use of a non-highway vehicle on its roadways shall not be deemed liable for crashes involving the use of a non-highway vehicle on its roadways. |
| Current Status: | 2/19/2025 - House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety |
| Recent Status: | 2/11/2025 - Assigned to House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety 1/28/2025 - Referred to House Rules
| Comments: | Proposal to allow off highway vehicles on County Highways. It raises the speed limit of allowable roads from 35 to 55mph and gives immunity to Counties that add off highway vehicles to their county roads. ABATE monitoring for now as this bill doesn't change definitions of Off highway vehicles. |
| Report Position: | Monitor |
| State Bill Page: | HB1263 |
HB1389 | VEH CD-SPEED ENFORCE SYSTEMS (REP. ROBERT RITA) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Expands the provisions regarding automated speed enforcement systems in safety zones to include municipalities in the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, Madison, McHenry, St. Clair, and Will (instead of just the City of Chicago). Provides that the net proceeds a municipality receives from civil penalties imposed under an automated speed enforcement system shall be expended or obligated by the municipality for, among other purposes, the remission of $5 from each civil penalty to the State Treasurer for deposit into the General Revenue Fund, which shall be remitted to the State Treasurer as determined by the State Treasurer. Provides that if an automated speed enforcement system is removed or rendered inoperable due to construction, then the Department of Transportation shall authorize the reinstallation or use of the automated speed enforcement system within 30 days after the construction is complete. |
| Current Status: | 2/11/2025 - Assigned to House Executive
| Recent Status: | 2/5/2025 - Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Nicole La Ha 2/5/2025 - Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Brad Stephens
| Comments: | This bill would greatly expand the use of automated speed cameras throughout Illinois. ABATE opposes the use of automated speed cameras in areas where police could easily serve or patrol. |
| Report Position: | Oppose |
| State Bill Page: | HB1389 |
HB1839 | SAFE AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE ACT (REP. CURTIS TARVER, II) Creates the Safe Autonomous Vehicle Act. Provides definitions. Provides that upon notification to the Secretary of State, a Motor Vehicle Manufacturer may commence a safe autonomous vehicle project with a vehicle installed with an Automated Driving System after providing notification to the Secretary of State and after self-certification under certain conditions. Provides that the Manufacturer shall determine the geographical boundaries of the project and shall maintain incident records and provide periodic summaries to the Secretary of State and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Provides that the Participating Fleet in the program shall be insured by the Manufacturer who shall assume liability for incidents where the automated driving system technology is at fault for that incident. Provides that any person operates a vehicle with automated driving system technology without first satisfying the eligibility requirements in the Act shall be fined $10,000 for a first violation and a second or subsequent violation is a Class A misdemeanor. Preempts home rule powers. Effective immediately. |
| Current Status: | 1/29/2025 - Referred to House Rules
| Recent Status: | 1/29/2025 - FIRST READING 1/28/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Curtis J. Tarver, II
| Comments: | Auto industry supported bill that allows manufacturers to self certify that their driverless cars are safe despite growing evidence that they do not detect motorcycles, and have caused fatalities for riders. |
| Report Position: | Oppose |
| State Bill Page: | HB1839 |
HB1907 | VEH CD-NOISE MONITORING (REP. JENNIFER SANALITRO) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a unit of local government, including a home rule unit, may not enact an ordinance providing for a noise monitoring system upon any portion of its roadways (removing language allowing the City of Chicago to enact an ordinance providing for a noise monitoring system upon any portion of the roadway known as Lake Shore Drive). Makes changes to the definition of "noise monitoring system". |
| Current Status: | 1/29/2025 - Referred to House Rules
| Recent Status: | 1/29/2025 - FIRST READING 1/29/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Jennifer Sanalitro
| Comments: | ABATE opposes the use of automated sound enforcement. These cameras are unreliable and unfairly target motorcycles and working class citizens. This bill would stop them before they have a chance to be the next big government cash grab. |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | HB1907 |
HB2980 | CYCLE RIDER SAFETY-VARIOUS (REP. STEPHANIE KIFOWIT) Amends the Cycle Rider Safety Training Act. Removes motor driven cycle and moped from the definition of "cycle". Defines "Cycle Rider Safety Training Course Provider" and "Provider" as a for-profit or nonprofit business, community agency, community organization, community college, or State university that is capable of providing courses. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall put out notices to the public seeking Cycle Rider Safety Training Course Providers to provide courses in the State, and that such courses shall be open to all residents of the State who hold a currently valid driver's license and who have reached their 16th birthday before the first day of the course to be held. Allows providers to charge a nominal registration fee set by the Department. Provides that responses from potential providers shall include the location where classes are to be held at, the number of students they intend to train, whether they would be providing motorcycles or using motorcycles owned by the Department, and the cost for courses provided on a per student basis. Provides that contracts shall be awarded by the Department to providers based on training needs and cost effectiveness of each bid or proposal. Provides that a provider shall only be paid grant funds under one of the following conditions: a course was held; expenses submitted related to the maintenance of department owned equipment; or submitting other non-personnel expenses. Provides that a provider awarded a contract with grant funding shall: submit proof that each instructor employed by the provider meets the qualifications to teach the curriculum for the courses; have at least one employee on staff certified to do quality assurance or quality control visits where instructors are evaluated per curriculum standards on teaching; perform at least one quality assurance or quality control visit on each instructor employed during the year and submit the results of those visits to the Department; maintain appropriate liability insurance to cover training activities; submit requests for payment in a timely manner; and adhere to additional program rules and regulations. Prohibits a provider awarded a contract with grant funding from adopting any policy, requirement, or expectation regarding employee's manner of dress outside of the employee's scheduled work hours. Makes other changes. Effective January 1, 2026. |
| Current Status: | 2/10/2025 - Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Katie Stuart
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - Referred to House Rules 2/6/2025 - FIRST READING
| Comments: | ABATE lead overhaul of the Cycle Rider Safety training program. When passed, this bill will open the program to multiple experienced motorcycle training providers, remove unnecessary burdens to providing training, encourage more people to become trainers, reduce the cost of training, and ensure providers are only paid when they actually teach students or do work to upkeep vehicles. This bill is based on how free training is handled in Pennsylvania which currently teaches almost 3x the number of students in a year vs Illinois and at a cost that's 1/2 the cost of what Illinois has been paying current providers. Sister bill to SB2075 |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | HB2980 |
HB3044 | AUTONOMOUS VEH REQUIREMENTS (REP. STEPHANIE KIFOWIT) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Defines "autonomous vehicle" as a motor vehicle that possesses the capability (enabled or not) for automated functions to control movement of the vehicle along 2 axes of direction simultaneously. Provides that, before selling or continuing to operate a new or used autonomous vehicle in this State and before updating the software or hardware of any automated driving system on such a vehicle, a manufacturer shall submit to the Department of Transportation documentation regarding the level of driving automation, along with a filing fee in an amount to be determined by the Department. Provides that the Department shall assemble an Automated Driving Systems Review Committee to evaluate submitted documentation and make determinations concerning the level of automated driving capabilities and the suitability of the vehicle for operation on public roads. Provides that an autonomous vehicle classified as having Level 2 Driving Automation may be sold to consumers and registered for use. Provides that the owner of the automated vehicle shall file an annual report with the Department of Transportation stating the number of miles driven per year, the estimated number of miles driven using equipped automated driving systems, and any collisions that occurred involving the vehicle. Prohibits the sale or operation of autonomous vehicles classified as having Level 3, 4, or 5 Driving Automation. Provides that a resident may file a request for the Automated Driving Systems Review Committee to review an existing vehicle sold or registered in this State, and that the Secretary of State shall receive and investigate complaints of a dealer selling a vehicle prohibited for sale under the new provisions. Provides that a person who operates a prohibited vehicle is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and that such a vehicle is subject to impoundment. Provides penalties for the unauthorized sale or modification of an autonomous vehicle. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Referred to House Rules
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - FIRST READING 2/6/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Stephanie A. Kifowit
| Comments: | ABATE drafted bill regulating autonomous vehicles. Protects motorists by requiring manufacturers to prove vehicle safety before using Illinois roads as a testing ground and subjecting riders to unproven technology. Prohibits modifications to vehicles as part of testing unless the manufacturer has notified the state. Solves a lot of the TESLA problem in Illinois. |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | HB3044 |
HB3218 | SALE OF E-15 GASOLINE (REP. WAYNE ROSENTHAL) Amends the Motor Fuel Sales Act. Authorizes motor fuel blends containing 10.5% to 15% ethanol, by volume, to be sold in the State at any time during the year if permitted under federal law. Provides that, if a federal authorization must be obtained to provide for the year-round sale of those motor fuel blends, then the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency shall take all actions necessary to obtain the federal authorization on behalf of the State. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Wayne A Rosenthal
| Recent Status: | |
| Comments: | ABATE opposes the sale of ethanol fuels greater than 10% blend because it is illegal for a motorcycle to use those fuels under federal law. Additionally, motorcycle engines are not designed for those fuels. The increased expansion of E15 replacing E10 will result in fewer gas stations available to service motorcyclists. |
| Report Position: | Oppose |
| State Bill Page: | HB3218 |
HB3239 | FREEDOM TO RIDE (REP. TONY MCCOMBIE) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Sets forth provisions concerning certificates of title and registration plates for large non-highway vehicles and recreational off-highway vehicles. Requires every owner of a large non-highway vehicle or a recreational off-highway vehicle to make application to the Secretary of State for registration, or renewal of registration, at a fee of $30 every 2 years. Sets forth provisions concerning the distribution of the fees. Removes provisions requiring surcharges to be collected for each non-highway vehicle and each off-highway vehicle. Provides that the cost for a Certificate of Title for a large non-highway vehicle and recreational off-highway vehicle is $250. Provides that the cost for a Certificate of Title for a large non-highway vehicle and recreational off-highway vehicle used for production agriculture, or accepted by a dealer in trade is $125. Provides that if the operation of a utility-type vehicle is authorized, then the utility-type vehicle may be operated only during daylight hours at a maximum speed of 45 miles per hour on streets where the posted speed limit is 55 miles per hour or less. Prohibits a person from operating a utility-type vehicle upon any street, highway, or roadway in the State unless the person has a valid driver's license issued in the person's name by the Secretary of State or by a foreign jurisdiction and the person is 18 years of age. Prohibits a person operating a utility-type vehicle from making a direct crossing upon or across any tollroad, interstate highway, or controlled access highway in the State, and prohibits a person operating a utility-type vehicle from making a direct crossing upon or across any other highway under the jurisdiction of the State except at an intersection of the highway with another public street, road, or highway. Provides additional requirements for utility-type vehicles. Adds language to allow ordinances to supersede specified provisions concerning large non-highway vehicles and utility-type vehicles. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Tony M. McCombie
| Recent Status: | |
| Comments: | ABATE has heard the members who want to be able to use their side by sides on county roads. This bill is one of several that try to accomplish the task. It is well thought out, but still poses several technical issues for all off road riders. ABATE will continue to monitor and take appropriate positions as this legislation progresses. |
| Report Position: | Monitor |
| State Bill Page: | HB3239 |
HB3783 | VEH CD-SAFETY HELMET (REP. HOAN HUYNH) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires the operator of a motorcycle, motor driver cycle, or moped and every passenger thereon to be protected by a safety helmet. Defines "safety helmet" as a protective covering for the head consisting of a hard outer shell, padding adjacent to and inside the outer shell, and a chin-strap type retention system with a sticker indicating that the safety helmet meets standards established by the United States Department of Transportation. Provides that it is unlawful to: operate a motorcycle, motor driven cycle, or moped if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet; and ride as a passenger on a motorcycle, motor driven cycles, or moped if the driver or any passenger is not wearing a safety helmet. Sets forth exceptions to wearing a safety helmet. |
| Current Status: | 2/7/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Hoan Huynh
| Recent Status: | |
| Comments: | ABATE of Illinois opposes helmet mandates. ABATE works to increase safety by education, and infrastructure improvement. Helmet laws do not affect fatality rates among motorcyclists. Cracking down on distracted driving, intoxicated driving, and unlicensed riders will all do more to impact fatalities than unwarranted government mandates. This bill would also harm tourism in Illinois, and place Illinois as an outlier among it's neighboring states. |
| Report Position: | Oppose |
| State Bill Page: | HB3783 |
HR98 | MOTORCYCLE AWARENESS MONTH (REP. STEPHANIE KIFOWIT) Declares May of 2025 as Motorcycle Awareness Month. Recognizes the 38 years of ABATE of Illinois, Inc., the more than 300,00 registered motorcyclists statewide, and the continued role that Illinois serves as a leader in motorcycle safety, education, and awareness. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Referred to House Rules
| Recent Status: | 1/31/2025 - Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Stephanie A. Kifowit
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | HR98 |
SB91 | VEH CD-EXAMS (SEN. RAM VILLIVALAM) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Requires every applicant for the renewal of a driver's license who is 79 years or older to renew in person. Requires every applicant for the renewal of a driver's license who is 87 years of age or or who is 75 years of age or older and holds a commercial driver's license to prove, by an actual demonstration, the applicant's ability to exercise reasonable care in the safe operation of a motor vehicle. Allows an immediate family member to submit information to the Secretary of State relative to the medical condition of a person if the condition interferes with the person's ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Requires information to be submitted in writing in a manner and form approved by the Secretary and shall include the name of the person submitting the information. Prohibits the Secretary from accepting or acting on anonymous reports. Makes other changes. Effective July 1, 2026. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Suzy Glowiak Hilton
| Recent Status: | 1/30/2025 - Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Mike Porfirio 1/30/2025 - Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Javier L. Cervantes
| Comments: | ABATE supports efforts to remove the mandatory age testing requirement with regard to driving and riding. This bill has bipartisan support and the support of the Secretary of State. It also allows for a close family member to swear out a statement if they believe that their family has a medical issue impacting their ability to drive. This matches the standards of many other states. Sister bill is HB1226 in the House |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | SB91 |
SB285 | DUI CAUSING 1 DEATH-4-20 YRS (SEN. STEVE MCCLURE) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that a violation of aggravated driving under the influence of alcohol, other drug or drugs, or intoxicating compounds, or any combination thereof, involving a motor vehicle, snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle, or watercraft accident that results in the death of one person and great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement of one or more other persons is a Class 2 felony punishable by a term of imprisonment of not less than 4 years and not more than 20 years. Provides that the Act may be referred to as Lindsey's Law. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Assigned to Senate Criminal Law
| Recent Status: | 1/24/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments 1/24/2025 - FIRST READING
| Comments: | ABATE of Illinois does not support intoxicated operation of vehicles. This bill speaks to Off road vehicles. OHV fatalities are counted as motorcycle fatalities by NHTSA, so intoxicated OHV operation has the possibility of affecting motorcycle fatality numbers which are used to portray motorcyclists in a negative light. |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | SB285 |
SB1245 | OFF-HWY VEH ON ROADWAY (SEN. NEIL ANDERSON) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Permits the operation of recreational off-highway vehicles meeting certain criteria on any street, roadway, or highway in the State, unless the highway is an interstate system, is near a grade-separated portion of the highway, is within a municipality, or has a posted speed limit higher than 55 miles per hour. Provides that a recreational off-highway vehicle may be registered in the same manner as provided for snowmobiles and shall comply with the registration, fees, insurance, and other requirements for snowmobiles under the Snowmobile Registration and Safety Act. Provides for the distribution of registration fees. Outlines the vehicle equipment requirements for the operation of a recreational off-highway vehicle on a roadway. |
| Current Status: | 2/11/2025 - Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Dave Syverson
| Recent Status: | 1/24/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments 1/24/2025 - FIRST READING
| Comments: | This bill damages ATV and OHV recreational opportunity in Illinois by changing definitions. It also fails to allow all OHVs to take part in the opportunity for county recreation. |
| State Bill Page: | SB1245 |
SB1250 | ROADS-LOOSE GRAVEL ALERTS (SEN. SALLY TURNER) Amends the Illinois Highway Code. Requires the Department of Transportation, in each road district, to erect signage stating that there is loose gravel ahead at any entrance to a road consisting mainly of loose gravel. |
| Current Status: | 2/4/2025 - Assigned to Senate Appropriations- Public Safety and Infrastructure
| Recent Status: | 1/24/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments 1/24/2025 - FIRST READING
| Comments: | Motorcyclists should get more advanced notice of loose terrain in order to make safe decisions. |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | SB1250 |
SB1253 | NO SENIOR LICENSE RESTRICTIONS (SEN. ANDREW CHESNEY) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Repeals a provision that disallows any persons, as a driver, who is 69 years of age or older, from obtaining a driver's license or permit. Removes language providing that examination of an applicant 75 years of age or older for a driver's license or permit shall include an actual demonstration of the applicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control of the operation of a motor vehicle. Repeals a provision that requires the Secretary of State to provide that each original or renewal driver's license issued to a licensee 81 years of age through age 86 shall expire 2 years from the date of issuance, or at such later date as the Secretary may by rule and regulation designate, not to exceed an additional 12 calendar months. Repeals a provision that requires the Secretary to provide that each original or renewal driver's license issued to a licensee 87 years of age or older shall expire 12 months from the date of issuance, or at such later date as the Secretary may by rule and regulation designate, not to exceed an additional 12 calendar months. Amends the Secretary of State Act. Repeals a Section requiring the study on age-related changes that affect driving abilities. Effective immediately. |
| Current Status: | 1/24/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments
| Recent Status: | 1/24/2025 - FIRST READING 1/24/2025 - Filed with Secretary by Sen. Andrew S. Chesney
| Comments: | This bill would eliminate age based testing for driver's licensing including motorcycles. |
| Report Position: | Monitor |
| State Bill Page: | SB1253 |
SB2009 | LEADER FOLLOWER ATTENTUATORS (SEN. JAVIER CERVANTES) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Defines "leader follower attenuator truck" as a driverless vehicle that is led by a human-driven vehicle that controls its position, speed, and heading data to the driverless vehicle while maintaining a set gap distance and is be equipped with sensors that can detect obstacles to stop the driverless vehicle if necessary. Allows the Department of Transportation and the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority to use leader follower attenuator trucks on State highways to increase safety of workers in construction and maintenance zones. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - FIRST READING 2/6/2025 - Filed with Secretary by Sen. Javier L. Cervantes
| Comments: | This bill would allow for autonomous construction vehicles on Illinois Highways. While confined to "bumper" vehicles, the bill still does not protect other motorists with regards to lane changes, or possible sudden acceleration / braking. There is no human control once the vehicle is placed into "follow" mode. |
| Report Position: | Oppose |
| State Bill Page: | SB2009 |
SB2075 | CYCLE RIDER SAFETY-VARIOUS (SEN. SETH LEWIS) Amends the Cycle Rider Safety Training Act. Removes motor driven cycle and moped from the definition of "cycle". Defines "Cycle Rider Safety Training Course Provider" and "Provider" as a for-profit or nonprofit business, community agency, community organization, community college, or State university that is capable of providing courses. Provides that the Department of Transportation shall put out notices to the public seeking Cycle Rider Safety Training Course Providers to provide courses in the State, and that such courses shall be open to all residents of the State who hold a currently valid driver's license and who have reached their 16th birthday before the first day of the course to be held. Allows providers to charge a nominal registration fee set by the Department. Provides that responses from potential providers shall include the location where classes are to be held at, the number of students they intend to train, whether they would be providing motorcycles or using motorcycles owned by the Department, and the cost for courses provided on a per student basis. Provides that contracts shall be awarded by the Department to providers based on training needs and cost effectiveness of each bid or proposal. Provides that a provider shall only be paid grant funds under one of the following conditions: a course was held; expenses submitted related to the maintenance of department owned equipment; or submitting other non-personnel expenses. Provides that a provider awarded a contract with grant funding shall: submit proof that each instructor employed by the provider meets the qualifications to teach the curriculum for the courses; have at least one employee on staff certified to do quality assurance or quality control visits where instructors are evaluated per curriculum standards on teaching; perform at least one quality assurance or quality control visit on each instructor employed during the year and submit the results of those visits to the Department; maintain appropriate liability insurance to cover training activities; submit requests for payment in a timely manner; and adhere to additional program rules and regulations. Prohibits a provider awarded a contract with grant funding from adopting any policy, requirement, or expectation regarding employee's manner of dress outside of the employee's scheduled work hours. Makes other changes. Effective January 1, 2026. |
| Current Status: | 2/6/2025 - Referred to Senate Assignments
| Recent Status: | 2/6/2025 - FIRST READING 2/6/2025 - Filed with Secretary by Sen. Seth Lewis
| Comments: | ABATE lead overhaul of the Cycle Rider Safety training program. When passed, this bill will open the program to multiple experienced motorcycle training providers, remove unnecessary burdens to providing training, encourage more people to become trainers, reduce the cost of training, and ensure providers are only paid when they actually teach students or do work to upkeep vehicles. This bill is based on how free training is handled in Pennsylvania which currently teaches almost 3x the number of students in a year vs Illinois and at a cost that's 1/2 the cost of what Illinois has been paying current providers. Sister bill to HB2980 |
| Report Position: | Support |
| State Bill Page: | SB2075 |