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Legislative Report July 27, 2024
Prepared by: Bridget Peach
Bill Information

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Downstate Teachers Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Specifies that the provision that requires an employer to make an additional contribution to the System for certain salary increases greater than 6% excludes salary increases necessary to bring a school board in compliance with the changes to the minimum salary provisions of the School Code under Public Act 101-443 or the amendatory Act. Amends the Employment of Teachers Article of the School Code. In the provisions concerning minimum salary, removes a provision subjecting the increase in the minimum salary rate to review by the General Assembly. Provides that the minimum salary rate for a school year shall be increased by a percentage equal to the annualized percentage increase (instead of the percentage increase), if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers for all items published by the United States Department of Labor for the 12-month period ending on June 30 of the school year that ended 12 months prior to the school year in which the adjusted salary is to be in effect (instead of for the previous school year). Provides that the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability shall certify and publish the minimum salary rate to be used. Removes a provision regarding the Professional Review Panel submitting a report to the General Assembly on how State funds and funds distributed under the evidence-based funding formula may aid the financial effects of certain changes. Effective immediately.


8/11/2023 - Effective Date August 11, 2023


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


3/27/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher and Chicago Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that none of the benefits provided for in either Article shall be paid to a person if the person first becomes a member on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act and a board, after an administrative hearing, determines that the person sexually abused a student. Provides that an employer must notify a board if a retiring member has been accused of sexually abusing a student. Provides that a board may, through an administrative hearing, review the claim of sexual abuse and may order that benefits be forfeited. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act shall not operate to impair any contract or vested right acquired before the effective date of the amendatory Act nor to preclude the right to a refund. Provides that all teachers entering service on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of the amendatory Act as a condition of membership. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a member may establish optional credit for up to 2 years of service as a teacher or administrator employed by a private school recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education, provided that the teacher (i) was certified under the law governing the certification of teachers at the time the service was rendered, (ii) applies in writing on or before June 30, 2028 (instead of June 30, 2023), (iii) supplies satisfactory evidence of the employment, (iv) completes at least 10 years of contributing service as a teacher, and (v) pays the required contribution. Effective immediately.


6/9/2023 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0017


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. In the Downstate Teacher Article: provides that through June 30, 2026 (instead of June 30, 2023), an annuitant may accept employment as a teacher without impairing his or her retirement status if that employment is not within the school year during which service was terminated and does not exceed 120 paid days or 600 paid hours in each school year; deletes language concerning an additional 20 days or 100 paid hours that an annuitant may accept employment as a teacher without impairing his or her retirement status for the period between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022; and provides that a person may receive optional credit for certain periods of service as a student teacher. Makes conforming changes. Amends the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Article 20) of the Code. In the definition of "pension credit", provides that the one-year limitation does not apply to persons who acquire credit as a substitute teacher covered under the Downstate Teacher Article and reach retirement eligibility under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 - Removes provisions amending the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Article 20 of the Illinois Pension Code) and the State Mandates Act.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 3 - Further amends the Illinois Pension Code. In the Chicago Municipal Article, provides that an employee of the Board of Education of the city, regardless of his or her position, may establish up to 2 years of service credit in the Fund for part-time employment with the Board of Education of the city prior to becoming an employee by applying no later than 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory Act and paying to the Fund a specified amount.


8/11/2023 - Effective Date August 11, 2023


Amends the Property Tax Code. Provides that each property tax bill shall contain a separate statement for each of the taxing districts setting forth the dollar amount of tax due that will be used by the taxing district to pick up or otherwise pay its employees' contributions to a public pension fund. Provides that each taxing district that picks up or otherwise pays its employees' contributions to a public pension fund must certify this information to the county clerk on or before the last Tuesday in December. Effective immediately.


2/15/2023 - Referred to House Rules


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. With respect to the 5 State-funded Retirement Systems: requires each System to implement a Tier 3 plan by July 1, 2024 that aggregates State and employee contributions in individual participant accounts which are used for payouts after retirement. Provides that a person who becomes a participant of a System on or after July 1, 2024 shall participate in the Tier 3 plan instead of the defined benefit plan. Authorizes a Tier 1 or Tier 2 participant to elect to participate in the Tier 3 plan instead of the defined benefit plan and to also elect to terminate all participation in the defined benefit plan and to have a specified amount credited to his or her account. Makes related changes in the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. Effective immediately.


2/15/2023 - Referred to House Rules


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision that requires the System to automatically enroll certain employees in the System's defined contribution benefit, provides an exception for employees whose school district provides an alternative qualifying plan. Provides that the alternative qualifying plan shall abide by the automatic enrollment procedures and automatic increase in contribution provisions applicable to the System's defined contribution benefit. Sets forth additional requirements for alternative qualifying plans. Requires a school district that has an alternative qualifying plan to file a letter of compliance, passed by resolution of the school board, with the System. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the General Provisions and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a teacher may establish one additional day of service credit for each day of service credit that was earned between March 16, 2020 and June 30, 2021 in which the teacher provided in-person instruction if he or she pays certain contributions and supplies satisfactory evidence. For a Tier 1 member, provides that the System shall waive the reduction in retirement annuity for persons who retire before age 60 if the member has attained age 59 and earned service credit in the 2020-2021 school. For a Tier 2 member, provides that the reduction in retirement annuity for persons who retire before age 67 shall be waived if the member has attained age 66 and earned service credit in the 2020-2021 school year. For a Tier 1 member who earned service credit in the 2020-2021 school year and has not attained age 59 or a Tier 2 member who earned service credit in the 2020-2021 school year and has not attained age 66, provides that the member shall be deemed to be one year older than his or her actual age for purposes of provisions concerning a reduction in retirement annuity due to a member's age. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Effective immediately.


3/10/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that beginning July 1, 2023, an annuitant may accept employment as a teacher without impairing his or her retirement status if that employment is not within the school year during which service was terminated and does not exceed 150 (instead of 100) paid days or 750 (instead of 500) paid hours in each school year. Effective immediately.


3/10/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


2/16/2023 - Referred to House Rules


Amends the State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that, if, in any State fiscal year, there is a budget surplus, then, in the next State fiscal year, the General Assembly shall appropriate to the retirement systems established under the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code an additional 1% of the amount contributed by the State under those Articles in the immediately preceding State fiscal year.


5/31/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision that requires the System to automatically enroll certain employees in the System's defined contribution benefit, provides an exception for employees whose school district provides an alternative qualifying plan. Provides that the alternative qualifying plan shall abide by the automatic enrollment procedures and automatic increase in contribution provisions applicable to the System's defined contribution benefit. Sets forth additional requirements for alternative qualifying plans. Requires a school district that has an alternative qualifying to file a letter of compliance, passed by resolution of the school board, with the System. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a teacher who served as a teacher during the public health emergency declared by the Governor related to the COVID-19 pandemic shall receive one additional day of service credit for each day of service credit earned during that period, notwithstanding any limitation on the amount of service credit that may be earned in a single year. Provides that the service credit shall be granted without any additional employee or employer contribution. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Effective immediately.


3/10/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In the provision defining "eligible employment" for the purpose of allowing a teacher to return to teaching in subject shortage areas without impairing his or her retirement status or retirement annuity, removes a provision requiring the ending date of the employment to be no later than June 30, 2024.


2/17/2023 - Referred to House Rules


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; changes the final average salary calculation to the total salary during the 60 months (instead of 96 months) of service within the last 120 months of service in which the total salary was the highest; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted increase in the consumer-price index-u, whichever is greater (instead of whichever is less) of the originally granted retirement annuity; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall be subject to annual increases on January 1 in the manner and with the same eligibility requirements provided for members or participants under the applicable Article who first became members or participants in that Article before January 1, 2011; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Authorizes SLEP status under IMRF for a person who is a county correctional officer or probation officer. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes changes to Tier 2 benefits for members or participants under the 5 State-funded retirement systems and the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund, including changes to automatic annual increases, age and service requirements for retirement, and limits on the amount of salary for annuity purposes. Establishes an accelerated pension benefit payment option for the General Assembly and Judges Articles of the Code. Makes changes to the funding formula beginning in fiscal year 2025 for the 5 State-funded retirement systems. In the 5 State-funded retirement systems, provides for a deferred retirement option plan for certain participants under which a participant may continue in active service for up to 3 years while having his or her retirement pension paid into a special account, to be distributed to the participant upon retirement. Provides that any benefit increase that results from this Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Amends the General Obligation Bond Act. Provides that each fiscal year after certain State pension funding bonds and income tax proceed bonds are retired, the State Treasurer and the State Comptroller shall transfer $500,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Unfunded Liability Reduction Fund each fiscal year, which shall be used for making additional contributions to the pension funds and retirement systems established under the General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, Downstate Teacher, Chicago Teacher, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Amends the State Finance Act to make conforming changes. Repeals provisions concerning optional benefits for certain Tier 2 members. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement by the State. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the General Provisions, Downstate Police, Downstate Firefighter, and State Employees Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice or a security employee of the Department of Human Services subject to the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement annuity provisions, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55, regardless of whether the attainment of age 55 occurs while the person is still in service. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". In the Downstate Police and Downstate Firefighter Articles, in a provision that reduces the amount of the pension for a Tier 2 firefighter or Tier 2 police officer who retires with at least 10 years of creditable service before attaining age 55, provides that the pension of a Tier 2 firefighter or Tier 2 police officer who is retiring after attaining age 50 with 20 or more years of creditable service shall not be reduced. Makes a conforming change. Provides that each annual increase for Tier 2 firefighters shall be increased on the January 1 occurring either on or after the attainment of age 55 (instead of age 60) or the first anniversary of the pension start date, whichever is later. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.


4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision defining "eligible employment" for the purpose of allowing a teacher to return to teaching in subject shortage areas without impairing his or her retirement status or retirement annuity, changes the ending date of the employment from no later than June 30, 2024 to no later than June 30, 2029. Effective immediately.


4/17/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the General Assembly Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Requires the System to implement a Tier 3 plan by July 1, 2025 that aggregates State and employee contributions in individual participant accounts that are used for payouts after retirement. Provides that a person who becomes a participant of a System on or after July 1, 2025 shall participate in the Tier 3 plan instead of the defined benefit plan. Authorizes a Tier 1 or Tier 2 participant to elect to participate in the Tier 3 plan instead of the defined benefit plan and to also elect to terminate all participation in the defined benefit plan and to have a specified amount credited to his or her account. Makes related changes in the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Article 20 of the Illinois Pension Code) and the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the State Employee Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a member who is eligible to receive an alternative retirement annuity may elect to receive an estimated payment that shall commence no later than 30 days after the later of either the member's last day of employment or 30 days after the member files for the retirement benefit with the System. Provides that the estimated payment shall be the best estimate by the System of the total monthly amount due to the member based on the information that the System possesses at the time of the estimate. Provides that if the amount of the estimate is greater or less than the actual amount of the monthly annuity, the System shall pay or recover the difference within 6 months after the start of the monthly annuity. Excludes a benefit increase resulting from the amendatory Act from the definition of "new benefit increase". Effective immediately.


4/19/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes changes to Tier 2 benefits for members or participants under the 5 State-funded retirement systems and the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund, including changes to automatic annual increases, age and service requirements for retirement, and limits on the amount of salary for annuity purposes. Establishes an accelerated pension benefit payment option for the General Assembly, Downstate Police, Downstate Firefighter, Chicago Teachers, and Judges Articles of the Code. Establishes a deferred retirement option plan for certain members who are otherwise eligible to retire under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, or Chicago Teachers Article of the Code under which a participant may continue in active service for up to 5 years while having his or her retirement pension paid into a special account. Requires the State Treasurer to administer the deferred retirement option plan for the State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Chicago Teachers Articles. Amends the General Obligation Bond Act. Provides that each fiscal year after certain State pension funding bonds and income tax proceed bonds are retired, the Comptroller shall order and the State Treasurer shall transfer $500,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Unfunded Liability Reduction Fund each fiscal year, which shall be used for making additional contributions to the 5 State-funded retirement systems. Restricts participation in the General Assembly Retirement System and Judges Retirement System to persons who become participants before January 13, 2027. Provides for participation in the State Employees Retirement System by judges and members of the General Assembly. Authorizes the transfer of service credit from those Systems to the State Employees Retirement System. Authorizes investigators for the Department of the Lottery and Tier 2 security employees of the Department of Corrections and security employees of the Department of Human Services to establish eligible creditable service under the alternative annuity provisions of the State Employees Article. Provides that the Retirement Systems Reciprocal Act (Article 20 of the Code) is adopted and made a part of the Downstate Police and Downstate Firefighter Articles. Makes other changes. Effective July 1, 2025.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. In provisions establishing a deferred retirement option plan for members under the State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Chicago Teachers Articles, provides that the applicable pension fund or retirement system (rather than the State Treasurer) shall administer and implement the deferred retirement option plan. Further amends the Illinois Pension Code. In the Downstate Police, Downstate Firefighter, Chicago Police, and Chicago Firefighter Articles, provides that, on and after January 1, 2026, each annual increase to a Tier 2 retirement pension shall be calculated at 3% of the originally granted pension. Effective July 1, 2025.


4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that, beginning January 1, 2024, the annual earnings, salary, or wages (based on the plan year) of a Tier 2 member or participant under the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, Chicago Teachers, or Judges Article shall not exceed 90.5% of the federal Social Security Wage Base then in effect or the amount otherwise calculated under the Tier 2 provisions, whichever is greater. Makes changes to the funding formula beginning in fiscal year 2025 for the 5 State-funded retirement systems. Restricts participation in the General Assembly Retirement System and Judges Retirement System to persons who first become participants before January 8, 2025. Provides for participation under the State Employees Article by members of the General Assembly and judges. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement by the State. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Creates the Deferred Retirement Option Article. Provides a deferred retirement option plan (DROP) for certain participants under the Downstate Teacher Article who are eligible to retire and meet other criteria. Provides that a participant in the DROP may elect to participate for up to 5 years. Provides that on the effective date of the member's election, the System shall credit the member's account on a monthly basis, for as long as the member participates in the DROP, an amount equal to the monthly amount of retirement annuity the member would otherwise be eligible to receive had the member retired on the date of the election. Provides that the DROP member shall be considered in active service for purposes of participation in a collective bargaining agreement, for health care benefits, and for other purposes. Establishes a DROP administered by the State Treasurer for pension funds or retirement systems that are required to establish a DROP and elect to transfer administrative responsibility for the DROP to the State Treasurer. Sets forth provisions concerning interest on the account; termination of the DROP; contributions; administrative costs; and a DROP advisory board. Effective immediately.


4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the State Employee, State Universities, and Downstate Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a member may establish up to 5 years of creditable service for periods during which the participant rendered contractual services to any agency of the State, regardless of whether the services were rendered on a part-time or full-time basis if the member applies for the credit and makes a specified contribution. Provides that a member may not establish such service credit if the member has service credit in any other pension fund or retirement system under the Code during the period for which service credit is sought.


3/10/2023 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that the Governor shall appoint 5 (instead of 7) persons to the Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois who are not members of the System. Makes conforming changes. Effective July 1, 2024.


3/10/2023 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the School Code. Provides that a financial institution or investment provider, by entering into a written agreement, may offer or provide services to a plan established or maintained by a school district with an enrollment of at least 1,000 students under Section 457 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 if the written agreement is not combined with any other written agreement for the administration of a school district's 457 plan. Provides that each school district that provides a 457 plan shall make available to participants at least 4 financial institutions or investment providers that have not entered into a written agreement and that provide services to the school district's 457 plan. Sets forth requirements for a financial institution or investment provider providing services for a 457 plan.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the provisions apply to school districts with a full-time, licensed teacher population of 525 teachers or more (instead of with an enrollment of at least 1,000 students). Provides that each school district that provides a 457 plan shall make available to participants a minimum of one financial institution or investment provider (instead of at least 4 financial institutions or investment providers). Provides that a school district shall have one year from the effective date of the amendatory Act to find a 457 plan provider. Makes conforming changes.

House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the engrossed bill with the following changes. Provides that the amendatory provisions do not apply to the Chicago school district. Provides that the amendatory provisions apply to a school district with a population of 575 or more teachers that maintain a 457 plan, including a plan established under provisions of the Illinois Pension Code concerning an optional defined contribution benefit. Provides that every applicable school district shall make available to participants more than one financial institution or investment provider to provide services to the school district's 457 plan. Provides that a financial institution or investment provider, by entering into a written agreement, may offer or provide services to a plan offered, established, or maintained by a school district (instead of established or maintained by a school district). Provides that each school district that offers (instead of provides) a 457 plan shall make available to participants more than one financial institution or investment provider that has not entered into a written agreement to provide administration services and that provides services to a 457 plan offered to school districts (instead of that has not entered into a written agreement and that provides services to the school district's 457 plan). Provides that a financial institution or investment provider shall cover all plan administration costs relating to the administration of the 457 plan (instead of relating to the 457 plan). Provides that nothing in the amendatory provisions shall apply to or impact the optional defined contribution benefit established by the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois under the Illinois Pension Code. Sets forth provisions regarding sharing data. Makes grammatical and typographical corrections.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the engrossed bill with the following changes. Provides that the amendatory provisions do not apply to the Chicago school district. Provides that the amendatory provisions apply to a school district with a population of 575 or more teachers that maintain a 457 plan, including a plan established under provisions of the Illinois Pension Code concerning an optional defined contribution benefit. Provides that every applicable school district shall make available to participants more than one financial institution or investment provider to provide services to the school district's 457 plan. Provides that a financial institution or investment provider, by entering into a written agreement, may offer or provide services to a plan offered, established, or maintained by a school district (instead of established or maintained by a school district). Provides that each school district that offers (instead of provides) a 457 plan shall make available to participants more than one financial institution or investment provider that has not entered into a written agreement to provide administration services and that provides services to a 457 plan offered to school districts (instead of that has not entered into a written agreement and that provides services to the school district's 457 plan). Provides that a financial institution or investment provider shall cover all plan administration costs relating to the administration of the 457 plan (instead of relating to the 457 plan). Provides that nothing in the amendatory provisions shall apply to or impact the optional defined contribution benefit established by the Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois under the Illinois Pension Code. Sets forth provisions regarding sharing plan data. Makes grammatical and typographical corrections.


6/26/2023 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In provisions that limit the number of days and hours an annuitant may accept employment for without impairing retirement status, provides that the limitation does not apply to an annuitant who returns to teaching as a substitute teacher in a school district that has been granted a waiver by the System. Provides that a school district may apply for a waiver by providing to the System sufficient evidence that there is a substitute teacher shortage in the school district and an estimate of the number of paid hours in the school year that the annuitant will work. Effective immediately.


2/3/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Requires the State Employees' Retirement System of Illinois to prepare and implement a defined contribution plan by July 1, 2025 that aggregates State and employee contributions in individual participant accounts that are used for payouts after retirement. Provides that a Tier 1 or Tier 2 participant may irrevocably elect to participate in the defined contribution plan instead of the defined benefit plan and may also elect to terminate all participation in the defined benefit plan and to have a specified amount credited to his or her account under the defined contribution plan. Provides that a person who first becomes an employee after the effective date of the amendatory Act is not required to participate in the System as a condition of employment. Provides that an employee may elect not to participate in the System by notifying the System in writing in a manner specified by the System. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Makes conforming and other changes. Makes related changes in the State Employees Group Insurance Act of 1971. Effective immediately.


2/8/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that during the period between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2024 (instead of June 30, 2022) an additional 20 paid days or 100 paid hours shall be added to a provision that authorizes an annuitant to accept employment for a certain number of paid days or paid hours as a teacher without impairing his or her retirement status. Removes a reference to the substitute teacher shortage being exacerbated by the ongoing global pandemic. Effective immediately.


3/10/2023 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the Downstate Police and Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that within 6 months after the effective date of the amendatory Act, an active IMRF member may apply for transfer of credits and creditable service under the Downstate Police Article to IMRF. Provides that the credits and creditable service shall be transferred upon payment by the police pension fund of an amount equal to the amounts accumulated to the credit of the applicant for the service to be transferred, including interest; an amount representing employer contributions; and any interest paid by the applicant to reinstate such service. Provides that a person applying to transfer service under the provisions may reinstate credits and creditable service terminated upon receipt of a refund by paying to the police pension fund the amount of the refund plus interest. Provides that if the board of trustees of IMRF determines that the amount transferred is less than the true cost to IMRF of allowing that creditable service to be established, then in order to establish that creditable service, the member must pay to IMRF an additional contribution equal to the difference. Makes conforming and other changes. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement by the State. Effective immediately.


2/8/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Chicago Police Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Removes a birthdate restriction on eligibility at age 55 for a 3% automatic annual increase in retirement annuity that is not subject to a maximum increase of 30%. Makes a related change. Specifies the timing of an initial increase in retirement annuity for persons who have not received the initial increase before January 1, 2023. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.


2/8/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision that requires the System to automatically enroll certain employees in the System's defined contribution benefit, provides an exception for employees whose school district provides an alternative qualifying plan. Provides that the alternative qualifying plan shall abide by the automatic enrollment procedures and automatic increase in contribution provisions applicable to the System's defined contribution benefit. Sets forth additional requirements for alternative qualifying plans. Requires a school district that has an alternative qualifying to file a letter of compliance, passed by resolution of the school board, with the System. Effective immediately.


5/4/2023 - Senate Senate Special Committee on Pensions


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning definitions.


2/8/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that if any annuitant under the Article must be considered a participating employee because there was not a separation from service and the participating municipality or participating instrumentality that employs or re-employs that annuitant knowingly fails to notify the Board to suspend the annuity, the participating municipality or participating instrumentality may be required to reimburse the Fund for an amount up to the total (instead of one-half of the total) of any annuity payments made to the annuitant after the date the annuity should have been suspended, as determined by the Board, less any amount actually repaid by the annuitant. Removes language providing that the provisions shall not apply if the annuitant returned to work for the employer for less than 12 months. Adds similar provisions to a provision concerning separation from service and entitlement to a retirement annuity. Effective January 1, 2024.


2/9/2023 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that the employer (instead of the governing body of the employer) shall submit to the System all required reports and contributions for salary paid during any month by the 10th of the following month. Provides that all required contributions for salary earned during a school term are due by the July 10 following the close of the school term. Removes provisions requiring the governing board of each school district to make 2 specified deposits each month. Provides that if an employer (instead of the governing body of an employer) that is not a State agency fails to forward certain required contributions within the time permitted, the System shall notify the employer of an amount (instead of an additional amount) due, equal to $50 per day for each day that elapses from the due date until the day such report and contributions (instead of employee contributions) are received by the System. Makes conforming changes.


3/31/2023 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the Chicago Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a service retirement pensioner employed under a provision concerning subject shortage areas shall have deducted from the service retirement pensioner's salary an amount equal to 9% of that salary, which shall be contributed to the Fund as a sustainability contribution. Provides that the service retirement pensioner shall not earn service credit during that re-employment, and the service retirement pension benefit shall not be recalculated. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.


3/31/2023 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that a school district that offers to the school district's employees a retirement savings plan under Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 may enter into a contract with only one vendor to administer the plan. Provides that a vendor shall be selected, with the approval of the employees' exclusive bargaining representative, if any, or a committee of the employees' exclusive bargaining representatives, through a competitive bidding process. Limits contracts with vendors to no more than 7 years. Provides that school districts that, on the effective date of the amendatory Act, have a contract with a vendor shall, by no later than July 1, 2026, begin the competitive bidding process. Provides that the renewal or extension of a contract with a vendor that is in effect on the effective date of the amendatory Act is subject to the competitive bidding process.


6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments


Amends the Deferred Compensation Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that, after January 1, 2024, the deferred compensation plan shall provide for the recovery of the expenses of its administration by charging fees equitably prorated among the participating employers (instead of by charging administrative expenses against the earnings from investments or by charging fees equitably prorated among the participating State employees or by such other appropriate and equitable method as the Illinois State Board of Investment shall determine). Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.


5/17/2024 - Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that, beginning in State fiscal year 2025, if the Comptroller requests the Board of Trustees of one of those Systems to submit, during a State fiscal year, vouchers for multiple monthly payments for the advance payment of State contributions due to the System for that State fiscal year, then that Board of Trustees shall submit those additional vouchers as directed by the Comptroller, notwithstanding existing limits on the amounts to be vouchered each month. With regard to the General Assembly, State Employees, Downstate Teachers, and Judges Articles, specifies that, unless an act of appropriations provides otherwise, the Boards of Trustees shall not submit, in any State fiscal year, vouchers for the payment of State contributions in an amount that exceeds the rate of payroll certified by the System for that State fiscal year. For the State Universities Article, specifies that, unless an act of appropriations provides otherwise, the Boards of Trustees shall not submit, in any State fiscal year, vouchers for the payment of State contributions in an amount that exceeds the annual certified contribution to the System for that State fiscal year. Makes conforming changes. Effective July 1, 2024.


5/17/2024 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision concerning suspensions of retirement annuities during employment with a participating employer, provides that until June 3, 2026, an annuitant shall not be considered a participating employee if the annuitant is employed as a school bus driver by a participating school district and works fewer than 750 hours annually. Effective immediately.


1/17/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that if any annuitant must be considered a participating employee because there was not a separation from service and the participating municipality or participating instrumentality that employs or re-employs that annuitant knowingly fails to notify the Board to suspend the annuity, the Board may review the totality of circumstances regarding the annuitant not having a separation of service and assign proportionate responsibility for reimbursement of the total of any annuity payments made to the annuitant after the date the annuity should have been suspended, as determined by the Board, between the participating municipality or participating instrumentality and the annuitant, less any amount actually repaid by the annuitant. Provides that in no case shall the total amount repaid by the annuitant plus any amount reimbursed by the employer to the Fund be more than the total of all annuity payments made to the annuitant after the date the annuity should have been suspended. Removes language providing that the provisions shall not apply if the annuitant returned to work for the employer for less than 12 months. Adds similar provisions to a provision concerning separation from service and entitlement to a retirement annuity. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


1/26/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Increases, except for persons who first retired prior to the effective date of the amendatory Act, the amount of the death benefit from $3,000 to $8,000. Makes conforming changes. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective January 1, 2025.


1/26/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Chicago Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that for school years beginning on or after July 1, 2022 and before July 1, 2027 (instead of July 1, 2024), the service retirement pension shall not be cancelled in the case of a service retirement pensioner who is re-employed as a teacher or an administrator on a temporary and non-annual basis or on an hourly basis, so long as the person does not work as a teacher or an administrator for compensation on more than 140 days in a school year. Makes a conforming change. Provides that, until June 30, 2027 (instead of June 30, 2024), the service retirement pension of a service retirement pensioner shall not be cancelled if the service retirement pensioner is employed in a subject shortage area and meets other requirements. Effective immediately.


5/3/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that "teacher" includes any educational, administrative, professional, or other staff in a position requiring certification under the law governing the certification of teachers who is employed by a nonpublic special education facility located within the boundaries of the State and whose income from that employment is derived entirely from public funding through local school districts, payments from the Department of Human Services, or payments from the Department of Children and Family Services.


2/6/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall be subject to annual increases on January 1 in the manner and with the same eligibility requirements provided for members or participants under the applicable Article who first became members or participants in that Article before January 1, 2011; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Authorizes SLEP status under IMRF for a person who is a county correctional officer or probation officer. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


2/9/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; changes the final average salary calculation to the total salary during the 60 months (instead of 96 months) of service within the last 120 months of service in which the total salary was the highest; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted increase in the consumer-price index-u, whichever is greater (instead of whichever is less) of the originally granted retirement annuity; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


2/9/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the State Universities Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that the System shall require that the deferred compensation recordkeeper agree that, in performing services with respect to the deferred compensation plan, the recordkeeper: (i) will not use information received as a result of providing services with respect to the deferred compensation plan or the participants in the deferred compensation plan to solicit the participants in the deferred compensation plan for the purpose of cross-selling nonplan products and services, unless in response to a request by a participant in the deferred compensation plan or a request by the System (currently, a request by a participant in the deferred compensation plan); and (ii) will not promote, recommend, endorse, or solicit participants in the deferred compensation plan to purchase any financial products or services outside of the deferred compensation plan, except that links to parts of the recordkeeper's or the recordkeeper's affiliate's (currently, recordkeeper's) website that are generally available to the public, are about commercial products, and may be encountered by a participant in the regular course of navigating the recordkeeper's or the recordkeeper's affiliate's website (currently, recordkeeper's) does not constitute a violation of the prohibition. Amends the University Employees Custodial Accounts Act. Makes similar changes. In a provision prohibiting a defined contribution plan recordkeeper from promoting credit cards, life insurance, or banking products, provides an exception if a request to provide those products is made by the governing board of the public institution of higher education or its authorized delegate. Effective immediately.


2/9/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments