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Legislative Report February 12, 2025
Prepared by: Shannon Miller
Education Bills - 103rd General Assembly Spring 2024
Bill Information

House Floor Amendment No. 4 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning bullying and cyber-bullying, provides that bullying includes posting or distributing sexually explicit images. Provides that, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, the term "cyber-bullying" includes the posting or distribution of a digital replica by electronic means. Defines "artificial intelligence", "digital replica", and "generative artificial intelligence". Effective July 1, 2025.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/22/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

5/22/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the Design-Build for Public Schools Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the short title.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Chicago School District Article of the School Code. Prohibits, until February 1, 2027, the Chicago Board of Education from closing any attendance center within the school district that has selective admission requirements that apply to the entire student body. Prohibits, until February 1, 2027, the Board from changing the standards for admission to any attendance center within the school district that has selective admission requirements that apply to the entire student body. Provides that the Board shall not take any action, until February 1, 2027, that results in a disproportionate decrease in either the total amount or percentage of funds allocated to an attendance center within the school district that has selective admission requirements that apply to the entire student body compared to other attendance centers of comparable size. Effective immediately.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - Prohibits the Chicago Board of Education from approving any school closings, consolidations, or phase-outs until February 1, 2027 (instead of until January 15, 2025). Removes a provision prohibiting, until February 1, 2027, the Chicago Board of Education from closing any attendance center within the school district that has selective admission requirements that apply to the entire student body.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/26/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Trustees of Schools Article of the School Code. Provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, any school district that forms a part of a Class II county school unit may, by a resolution adopted by at least two-thirds of the members of the school board of a school district, withdraw a school district from the jurisdiction and authority of the trustees of schools of the township in which such school district is located and from the jurisdiction and authority of the township treasurer of the township in which such school district is located, provided that the school board of the school district shall, upon the adoption and passage of such resolution, thereupon elect or appoint its own school treasurer as provided under the School Code. Provides that the appointed school treasurer may include a township treasurer. Provides that the school board may enter into a contractual or intergovernmental agreement with an appointed school treasurer for school treasurer services. Sets forth provisions concerning the appointment of the trustee of schools. Provides that certain provisions of the Trustees of Schools Article of the School Code are inoperative or repealed on the effective date of the amendatory Act. Provides that after the April 4, 2023 consolidated election, no trustees of schools shall be elected. Provides that any trustees elected or appointed on or before April 4, 2023 may complete the term to which that trustee was trustees elected or appointed, but may not be succeeded by election. Provides that each school board of each school district that is a part of a Class II county school unit shall appoint one member of the school board or one school employee to serve as trustee of schools of the township in which such school district is located. Provides that the trustees of schools shall be appointed by each school board within 60 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act and shall reorganize within 30 days after all the trustees of schools have been appointed or within 90 days after the effective date of the amendatory Act, whichever is sooner. Provides that the trustee of schools shall serve at the pleasure of the school board that appointed the trustee of schools but may not serve as a trustee of schools for longer than 2 years unless reappointed by the school board. Amends the Treasurers Article of the School Code to make related changes. Effective immediately.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0790

8/9/2024 - Effective Date August 9, 2024



House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Freedom of Information Act and the Student-Athlete Endorsement Rights Act. Changes the definition of "student-athlete". Makes changes concerning compensation, including prohibiting the Act from being interpreted to consider a student-athlete as an employee, agent, or independent contractor of an association, a conference, or a postsecondary educational institution (instead of providing that a student-athlete shall not be deemed an employee, agent, or independent contractor of an association, a conference, or a postsecondary educational institution based on the student-athlete's participation in an intercollegiate athletics program). Makes changes concerning publicity rights agreements. Provides that no postsecondary educational institution or employee acting within the employee's course and scope of employment at a postsecondary educational institution is liable for damages related to the ability or inability of a student-athlete to earn compensation for the use of the student-athlete's name, image, likeness, or voice. Provides that specified information that includes, reveals, or otherwise relates to the terms of an existing or proposed student-athlete publicity rights agreement is exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that a postsecondary educational institution may provide intangible benefits as an incentive to individuals, companies, or other third parties that provide money, benefits, opportunities, or other services to an outside entity functioning primarily to support the creation and facilitation of publicity rights agreements for student-athletes.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - In the Student-Athlete Endorsement Rights Act, removes the Section concerning liability.


8/2/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025

8/2/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0724



Amends the Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the short title.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that the notice required under provisions concerning the identification, evaluation, and placement of a child that is provided to the parent or guardian shall inform the parent or guardian of the parent's or guardian's right to receive copies of all written material that will be considered by the individualized education program team and shall provide the date when the written material will be delivered or made available to the parent or guardian. Effective immediately.


7/22/2024 - Effective Date July 19, 2024

7/22/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0652



House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. In the statement of affairs provisions, provides that instead of completing, submitting, and making available a statement of affairs pursuant to these provisions, any other summary, statement, or report required by these provisions, and the salary and benefit survey, a school district may annually post on the district's Internet website a copy of the annual district audit, a report of compensation for all district staff, and a list of payments to a person, firm, or corporation in specified ranges. Makes a conforming change.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. In the statement of affairs provisions, provides that, instead of completing, submitting, and making available a statement of affairs or any other summary, statement, or report required under the amended provision, a school district shall annually post on its Internet website a copy of its annual financial report, a report of all compensation paid to non-certified district staff during the year, and a report of all payments made to vendors during the year.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. In the statement of affairs provisions, provides that, instead of completing, submitting, and making available a statement of affairs or any other summary, statement, or report required under the amended provision, a school district shall annually post on its Internet website a copy of its annual financial report, a report of all compensation paid to non-certified district staff during the year, and a report of all payments made to vendors during the year. Makes conforming changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/26/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the School Code. Requires a school district to develop and implement a plan to provide additional instructional services, support, or special accommodations to students who suffer from trauma related to experiencing the death of a sibling, parent, guardian, or household member by suicide or homicide or suffer from trauma caused by domestic violence or abuse and whom the school has determined require additional instructional services, support, or special accommodations but do not qualify for an individualized education program or for services under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Sets forth what the plan may include. Provides that the plan shall remain in place until the student (i) is no longer enrolled in the district or (ii) has made such significant and sustained academic progress that the student no longer requires the plan. In provisions relating to children with disabilities, provides that beginning with the 2023-2024 school year, the notice that a school board provides concerning who qualifies for services under Section 504 shall include that a child may qualify for those services if the child is a student who is at least 3 years old or older and under 22 years and who (i) has experienced the death of a sibling, parent, guardian, or household member by suicide or homicide or (ii) suffers from trauma caused by domestic violence or abuse. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act of the Illinois Municipal Code. For redevelopment project areas designated after November 1, 1999, in municipalities with less than 1,000,000 population, modifies the formula for elementary, secondary, or unit school district's increased costs attributable to assisted housing units located within the redevelopment project area for which the developer or redeveloper receives financial assistance through an agreement with the municipality or because the municipality incurs the cost of necessary infrastructure improvements within the boundaries of the assisted housing sites necessary for the completion of that housing. Removes differences in formulation for alternate method districts, flat grant districts, and foundation districts. For school districts in a municipality with a population in excess of 1,000,000, changes the last date upon which a school district may submit a claim for reimbursement to the municipality to October 31 of each year (currently, September 30) and provides that municipalities shall reimburse school districts that have met specified criteria no later than January 31 of the school year in which the claim is made.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

3/8/2024 - To Revenue - Property Tax Subcommittee


Amends the School Code. By July 15 of each year, requires certain school boards to report, on their school district's website, a list of the learning materials and activities used for student instruction during the previous school year. Requires that the report also include any procedures that are in effect at each school for the documentation, review, or approval of the learning materials and activities used for student instruction. Specifies the minimum information that must be included in the report. Allows a school district to update the report on an ongoing basis and to utilize collaborative online document or spreadsheet software to update or make additions to the report. Sets forth other requirements. Effective July 1, 2023.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Downstate Teacher and Chicago Teacher Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that none of the benefits provided for in either Article shall be paid to a person if the person first becomes a member on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act and a board, after an administrative hearing, determines that the person sexually abused a student. Provides that an employer must notify a board if a retiring member has been accused of sexually abusing a student. Provides that a board may, through an administrative hearing, review the claim of sexual abuse and may order that benefits be forfeited. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act shall not operate to impair any contract or vested right acquired before the effective date of the amendatory Act nor to preclude the right to a refund. Provides that all teachers entering service on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be deemed to have consented to the provisions of the amendatory Act as a condition of membership. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/4/2024 - House Personnel & Pensions


Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that pupils in the public schools in grades 9 through 12 shall be taught and be required to study courses which include instruction in the area of financial literacy and consumer education in alignment with the Illinois Social Science Learning Standards for Economics and Financial Literacy or other relevant career and technical education learning standards, as appropriate (rather than courses which include instruction in the area of consumer education). Sets forth specified requirements for the instruction. Provides that that the State Board of Education shall determine, subject to appropriation, how to prepare and make available instructional resources and professional learning opportunities for educators that may be used for the purpose of meeting the requirements (rather than devise or approve the consumer education curriculum for grades 9 through 12 and specify the minimum amount of instruction).


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/29/2024 - Rule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/28/2024 - Consideration of Senate Amendments




Amends the School Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the School Code's construction.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Instructional Materials Article of the School Code. Provides that a school district (including a charter school) shall require that books that are included as a part of any course, material, instruction, reading assignment, or other school curricula related to literature during the school year or that appear on summer reading lists must include books that are written by diverse authors, including, but not limited to, authors who are African American, women, Native American, LatinX, and Asian. Provides that reading material may not perpetuate bias against persons based on specified categories. Provides that for any school district utilizing federal funds under Title I, Part A of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, the selection of each book to be included in a reading assignment, course material and instruction, or other school curricula related to literature must first receive prior approval from the school board before the book may be included. Provides that the criteria for the approval or denial of a book shall be determined by school board policy, but the minimum requirement is that the book may not be approved by the school board if the book contains language or material that is derogatory or racist or incites hate against any persons. Provides for rulemaking and guidelines. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 3 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Appropriates $1,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund for deposit into the Hunger-Free Campus Grant Fund. Effective July 1, 2023.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/29/2024 - Rule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

3/21/2024 - House Appropriations-Higher Education


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision that requires the System to automatically enroll certain employees in the System's defined contribution benefit, provides an exception for employees whose school district provides an alternative qualifying plan. Provides that the alternative qualifying plan shall abide by the automatic enrollment procedures and automatic increase in contribution provisions applicable to the System's defined contribution benefit. Sets forth additional requirements for alternative qualifying plans. Requires a school district that has an alternative qualifying plan to file a letter of compliance, passed by resolution of the school board, with the System. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/4/2024 - House Personnel & Pensions


Amends the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall implement and administer a program to make New Arrival Student Grants available to school districts to support the needs of students who are newly arriving immigrant students, regardless of immigration status. Provides that to receive a grant under this program, a school district shall submit an application to the State Board of Education at such time, in such manner, and containing or accompanied by such information as the State Board of Education may reasonably require. Provides that in awarding funds under this program, the State Board of Education may consider (i) the number of new arrival students enrolled in preschool, elementary school, and secondary school within the school district, (ii) the needs of new arrival students in the school district, and (iii) the ability of the school district to meet the needs of new arrival students. Effective July 1, 2023.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the State Budget Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Provides that, if, in any State fiscal year, there is a budget surplus, then, in the next State fiscal year, the General Assembly shall appropriate to the retirement systems established under the General Assembly, State Employees, State Universities, Downstate Teachers, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code an additional 1% of the amount contributed by the State under those Articles in the immediately preceding State fiscal year.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision that requires the System to automatically enroll certain employees in the System's defined contribution benefit, provides an exception for employees whose school district provides an alternative qualifying plan. Provides that the alternative qualifying plan shall abide by the automatic enrollment procedures and automatic increase in contribution provisions applicable to the System's defined contribution benefit. Sets forth additional requirements for alternative qualifying plans. Requires a school district that has an alternative qualifying to file a letter of compliance, passed by resolution of the school board, with the System. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/4/2024 - House Personnel & Pensions


Amends the School Code. Repeals provisions requiring play time in elementary school.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the State Board of Education shall establish and administer a grant program to reimburse school districts for providing stipends for classroom Career and Technical Education teachers who participate in externships with a manufacturing company in the State. Provides for rulemaking. Effective July 1, 2025.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/14/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

5/14/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. Provides that, subject to appropriations, the State Board of Education shall pay one-half of the salary of an employee that is employed by a manufacturing company and working within a school district at a high school as a licensed career and technical education teacher.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools




Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits criminal sexual assault if that person commits an act of sexual penetration and the victim is at least 18 years of age but under 22 years of age and is a student attending classes at a public or nonpublic secondary school and the accused held or holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision over the victim in connection with an educational or extracurricular program or activity at the time of the commission of the act, regardless of the location or place of the commission of the act. Provides that a person also commits aggravated criminal sexual abuse if that person commits an act of sexual conduct with a victim who is at least 18 years of age but under 22 years of age and is a student attending classes at a public or nonpublic secondary school and the accused held or holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim in connection with an educational or extracurricular program or activity at the time of the commission of the act, regardless of the location or place of the commission of the act. Provides that, for purposes of the grooming statute, "child" includes a person who is at least 17 years of age but under 22 years of age and is a student attending classes at a public or nonpublic secondary school.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/4/2024 - House Judiciary - Criminal


Appropriates the sum of $250,000, or so much of that sum as may be necessary, from the General Revenue Fund to the Board of Higher Education for grants to a statewide association of public pension funds affiliated with a public institution of higher education to develop and deliver an in-person financial literacy training program for public employees. Effective July 1, 2023.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/29/2024 - Rule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

1/31/2024 - Assigned to House Appropriations-Higher Education


Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning the school report card, provides that a school district's expenditure of Base Funding Minimum and Evidence-Based Funding received from the State in the level of specificity required by the annual spending plans required by the Evidence-Based Funding provisions. In provisions concerning Evidence-Based funding, provides that Organizational Units shall also indicate in their submission of annual spending plans which stakeholder groups the Organizational Unit engaged with to inform annual spending plans. Provides that annual spending plans shall be integrated in annual school district budgets completed pursuant to specified provisions.

Senate Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. Removes the provisions concerning school report cards. In the provisions concerning the evidence-based funding formula, provides that organizational units that do not submit a budget to the State Board of Education shall be provided with a separate planning template developed by the State Board of Education. Provides that the State Board of Education shall create an evidence-based funding spending plan tool to make annual evidence-based funding spending plan data for each organizational unit available on the State Board's website no later than December 31, 2025, with annual updates thereafter. Provides that the tool shall allow for the selection and review of each organizational unit's planned use of evidence-based funding. Corrects grammatical errors.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0802

8/9/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025





Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. Provides that if a school district is classified as a Tier 1 school under Section 18-8.15 of this Code, then school board shall direct the majority of the funds provided under Section 18-8.15 of this Code to the schools in the district.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/26/2024 - Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Extended-Rule May 31, 2024


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; changes the final average salary calculation to the total salary during the 60 months (instead of 96 months) of service within the last 120 months of service in which the total salary was the highest; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that the automatic annual increase in retirement annuity shall be calculated at 3% or one-half the annual unadjusted increase in the consumer-price index-u, whichever is greater (instead of whichever is less) of the originally granted retirement annuity; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice under the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement formula, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55 (instead of age 60). With regard to Tier 2 members and participants under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF), Chicago Municipal, Cook County, State Employees, and State Universities Article: changes the retirement age to age 60 with 20 years of service or age 67 with 10 years of service; rescinds an election for certain benefits for persons under the Chicago Municipal Article; provides that any retirement annuity or supplemental annuity shall be subject to annual increases on January 1 in the manner and with the same eligibility requirements provided for members or participants under the applicable Article who first became members or participants in that Article before January 1, 2011; and makes other changes. Provides that the changes made by the amendatory Act are intended to be retroactive to January 1, 2011 and are applicable without regard to whether a member or participant was in active service on or after the effective date. Authorizes SLEP status under IMRF for a person who is a county correctional officer or probation officer. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to supply all active classroom instructors, all school staff and administration, and district leadership with an educational document, in a PDF and a physical format, explaining at a minimum the values of good indoor air quality, including peer-reviewed research demonstrating effects of poor and good indoor air quality, an explanation of airborne transmission of pathogens and other airborne substances, a basic explanation of air changes per hour and relation to outdoor air and filtered air, best practice recommendations for the portable air cleaner and the air quality monitor, including guidance on theory, function, placement, and operation of the monitor. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to ensure that all active classrooms that are not mechanically ventilated have at least 2 properly functioning windows, or one window in situations where only one is present, that can open and can safely stay open. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to ensure that all active classrooms are equipped with an air quality monitor that meets specified requirements. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to ensure that all active classrooms are equipped with a portable air cleaner that meets specified requirements. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to supply each school with 5 additional portable air cleaners and 5 additional air quality monitors to be used in school health offices, libraries, cafeterias, and other similar spaces. Provides that the State Board shall require all school districts to undertake a ventilation verification assessment of all mechanical ventilation systems in the school district performed by a certified assessor or a mechanical engineer. Makes other changes.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Provides that the window, air quality monitor, portable air cleaner, and ventilation verification assessment requirements are subject to appropriation.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - Provides that "certified technician means" a person who is certified as a Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Bureau Technician by the International Certification Board and accredited to comply with ISO/IEC 17024, which is the conformity assessment regarding general requirements for bodies operating certification of persons, by the American National Standards Institute in Testing Adjusting and Balancing or another nationally recognized certifying body accredited to ISO/IEC 17024 in testing adjusting and balancing (instead of meaning a person who is certified as a testing and balancing technician by an accredited organization).


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/25/2024 - Rule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 26, 2024




Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that school boards shall ensure that the Individualized Education Program process is transparent for all students and the families of students. Provides that school boards shall adopt a policy to ensure equitable and clear access to the Individualized Education Program process.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/1/2024 - Senate Appropriations

3/10/2023 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the School Boards and Chicago School District Articles of the School Code. Provides that school boards shall allow all educators to have daily continuous uninterrupted individual classroom planning time. Provides that the planning period shall be equal to one class period but no less than 45 minutes in duration. Provides that this time requirement applies to educators who are in contact with students for 50% or more of their contracted workday. Provides that, during this planning period, educators may not be forced to substitute in other areas of the building or district when another educator is absent or a vacancy exists and may not be forced to attend meetings, trainings, or conferences of any kind. Provides that if an educator chooses to substitute or attend a meeting, training, or conference during their guaranteed planning period of their own free will, the educator shall be compensated at a rate of pay that is negotiated between the local Board of Education and local association of a state teacher association.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee




Appropriates $35,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of Education for the New Arrival Student Grant Program. Effective July 1, 2023.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/29/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

6/29/2024 - Rule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the School Code. Provides that in consultation with education stakeholders, the State Board of Education shall develop a comprehensive literacy plan for the State that at a minimum, addresses specified areas. Provides that the State Board shall develop and adopt a comprehensive literacy plan for the State on or before January 31, 2024. Provides that the State Board shall adopt rules necessary to implement this Section. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes changes to Tier 2 benefits for members or participants under the 5 State-funded retirement systems and the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund, including changes to automatic annual increases, age and service requirements for retirement, and limits on the amount of salary for annuity purposes. Establishes an accelerated pension benefit payment option for the General Assembly and Judges Articles of the Code. Makes changes to the funding formula beginning in fiscal year 2025 for the 5 State-funded retirement systems. In the 5 State-funded retirement systems, provides for a deferred retirement option plan for certain participants under which a participant may continue in active service for up to 3 years while having his or her retirement pension paid into a special account, to be distributed to the participant upon retirement. Provides that any benefit increase that results from this Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Amends the General Obligation Bond Act. Provides that each fiscal year after certain State pension funding bonds and income tax proceed bonds are retired, the State Treasurer and the State Comptroller shall transfer $500,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the Pension Unfunded Liability Reduction Fund each fiscal year, which shall be used for making additional contributions to the pension funds and retirement systems established under the General Assembly, State Employee, State Universities, Downstate Teacher, Chicago Teacher, and Judges Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Amends the State Finance Act to make conforming changes. Repeals provisions concerning optional benefits for certain Tier 2 members. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement by the State. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/4/2024 - House Personnel & Pensions


Amends the General Provisions, Downstate Police, Downstate Firefighter, and State Employees Articles of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that a security employee of the Department of Corrections or the Department of Juvenile Justice or a security employee of the Department of Human Services subject to the Tier 2 provisions is entitled to an annuity calculated under the alternative retirement annuity provisions, in lieu of the regular or minimum retirement annuity, only if the person has withdrawn from service with not less than 20 years of eligible creditable service and has attained age 55, regardless of whether the attainment of age 55 occurs while the person is still in service. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". In the Downstate Police and Downstate Firefighter Articles, in a provision that reduces the amount of the pension for a Tier 2 firefighter or Tier 2 police officer who retires with at least 10 years of creditable service before attaining age 55, provides that the pension of a Tier 2 firefighter or Tier 2 police officer who is retiring after attaining age 50 with 20 or more years of creditable service shall not be reduced. Makes a conforming change. Provides that each annual increase for Tier 2 firefighters shall be increased on the January 1 occurring either on or after the attainment of age 55 (instead of age 60) or the first anniversary of the pension start date, whichever is later. Amends the State Mandates Act to require implementation without reimbursement. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that the provisions concerning bullying prevention apply to nonpublic, sectarian schools.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the School Code. Allows a METT Educator District License for teaching a course in manufacturing, engineering, technology, or a trade (METT) to be issued to an applicant who has at least 10,000 working hours in a trade. Provides that a METT Educator District License may be issued to qualified individuals who have not obtained a bachelor's degree or an equivalent number of hours in an educational program at an institution of higher education. Provides that a METT Educator District License is valid until June 30 immediately following 5 years of the license being issued and may be renewed. Provides that a METT Educator District License is valid only for the teaching of a course that the State Board of Education has identified as related to the work experience of the licensee. Sets forth other provisions regarding the license. Amends the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act. Provides that the State Board of Education, in conjunction with the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity or the Department of Labor, shall expand a database to identify METT labor shortages. Provides that by July 1, 2026, school districts in identified regions shall be notified by the State Board and shall participate in a College and Career Pathway Endorsement program and offer a METT endorsement. Makes other changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee




House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that school personnel of any school district, charter school, or nonpublic elementary or secondary school may not engage in corporal punishment of a student, inflict corporal punishment upon a student, or cause corporal punishment to be inflicted upon a student. In provisions concerning the maintenance of discipline, provides that a policy on discipline shall provide that a teacher and others may only use reasonable force as permitted under provisions concerning time out, isolated time out, restraint, and necessities (instead of may use reasonable force as needed to maintain safety for the other students, school personnel, or persons or for the purpose of self-defense or the defense of property). Provides that the policy shall prohibit the use of corporal punishment in all circumstances (instead of the policy shall not include slapping, paddling, or prolonged maintenance of students in physically painful positions nor shall it include the intentional infliction of bodily harm). Makes conforming changes.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0806

8/9/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025





House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code and the Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act. Removes provisions concerning fentanyl education from the School Code. Provides that the Comprehensive Health Education Program shall include disaster preparedness (instead of survival) and the use and abuse of fentanyl. Makes a change concerning the instruction on mental health and illness. Provides that the curricula on alcohol and drug use and abuse shall be age and developmentally appropriate and may include the information contained in the Substance Use Prevention and Recovery Instruction Resource Guide, as applicable, and makes a change concerning the development and availability of instructional materials and guidelines. Provides that the Program shall include instruction, study, and discussion on the dangers of fentanyl in grades 6 through 12. Sets forth requirements concerning the instruction, study, and discussion, including requiring that students in grades 9 through 12 be assessed. Provides that the instruction, study, and discussion may be taught by a licensed educator, school nurse, or school counselor. Effective immediately.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Provides that a school social worker or law enforcement officer may teach the instruction, study, and discussion on the dangers of fentanyl.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0810

8/9/2024 - Effective Date August 9, 2024





Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning the conviction of certain offenses as grounds for disqualification for licensure or suspension or revocation of a license, includes the sex offense of abuse by an educator or authority figure under the definition of "sex or other offense". Amends the Sex Offenses Article of Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that a person commits abuse by an educator or authority figure if that person holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to a student in a school, the student is at least 18 years of age, the person is at least 4 years older than the student, and the person either (1) commits an act of sexual conduct with the student or (2) commits an act of sexual penetration with the student. Provides that abuse by an educator or authority figure involving sexual conduct is a Class A misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class 4 felony for a second or subsequent offense or if there is more than one victim. Provides that abuse by an educator or authority figure involving sexual penetration is a Class 4 felony for the first offense and a Class 3 felony for a second or subsequent offense or if there is more than one victim. Provides that consent of the victim is not a defense to abuse by an educator or authority figure.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill. In the amendatory changes to the Criminal Code of 2012: (1) changes definitions of "authority figure", "educator", and "school"; (2) adds a definition of "student"; (3) changes the elements of the offense of abuse by an educator or authority figure to provide that the person is at least 4 years older than the student; (3) deletes consent of the victim is not a defense to abuse by an educator or authority figure; and (4) provides that a person commits abuse by an educator or authority figure if that person is an educator or authority figure at the school (rather than holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to a student in a school), the student is at least 18 years of age and is enrolled or was previously enrolled in the school within the past year, the person is at least 4 years older than the student, and the person either: (i) commits an act of sexual conduct with the student; or (ii) commits an act of sexual penetration with the student.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill. In the amendatory changes to the Criminal Code of 2012: (1) changes definitions of "authority figure", "educator", and "school"; (2) adds a definition of "student"; and (3) provides that a person commits abuse by an educator or authority figure if that person is an educator or authority figure at the school (rather than holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to a student in a school), the student is at least 18 years of age but under 23 years of age, the person is at least 4 years older than the student and holds or held within the previous year a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the student in connection with an educational or extracurricular program or activity, and the person either: (i) commits an act of sexual conduct with the student; or (ii) commits an act of sexual penetration with the student.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/29/2024 - Alternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Terri Bryant

4/24/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments


Amends the Gifted and Talented Children and Children Eligible for Accelerated Placement Article of the School Code. Provides that, by no later than the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, a school district's accelerated placement policy may (instead of shall) allow for the automatic enrollment, in the following school term, of a student into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework offered by the high school if the student exceeds (instead of meets or exceeds) State standards in English language arts, mathematics, or science on a State assessment administered under the School Code. Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall establish and implement a school time-change grant program to provide grants to school districts to assist with additional costs incurred to change when the school day starts at a school containing any of grades 6 through 12 to on or after 8 a.m. Provides that to be eligible to receive a grant under this program, a school district must change when the school day starts before the 2026-2027 school year. Provides that State Board of Education may adopt any rules necessary to implement these provisions.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Requires the Department of Public Health to do all of the following no later than July 1, 2025: (1) issue guidelines on how to remove and safely store a tick; (2) publish the guidelines issued and a model form on the Department's website; (3) provide public testing lab information to schools; (4) issue a model form that schools shall send to the parents or guardians of students who have been identified as having been bitten by a tick; and (5) make available to schools, upon request and free of charge, tick removal kits consisting of tweezers, bandages, a sealable plastic bag, an alcohol wipe, repellent wipes, an information card, and a tick identification card. Specifies requirements for the form. Amends the School Code. Requires, before the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year, a school board to establish procedures on tick removal consistent with the guidelines developed by the Department of Public Health. Includes provisions relating to preserving the tick for possible testing by the parent or guardian and school district immunity for tick removal.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading




Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Requires the world language endorsement on a Professional Educator License to include American Sign Language under rules of the State Board of Education.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools




Amends the School Code. Provides that every public school shall provide instruction, study, and discussion of current problems and needs in the conservation of natural resources, including climate change. Provides that the content of climate change curriculum must be supported by the weight of research conducted in compliance with accepted scientific methods and published in peer-reviewed journals or comprises of information recognized as accurate and objective. Provides that the State Board of Education may devise or approve the climate change education curriculum.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. Requires the Child Protective Service Unit to send a notification letter (rather than a copy of the Unit's final finding report) to a child's school following an investigation and finding of physical or sexual abuse. Provides that if an indicated finding is overturned in an appeal or hearing, the Department of Children and Family Services shall request that the notification letter (rather than final finding report) be purged from the student's record, and the school shall purge the notification letter (rather than final finding report) from the student's record in accordance with the Illinois School Student Records Act. Requires the notification letter to provide the date of expungement from the central register. Removes a provision requiring all reports made by mandated reporters to be confirmed in writing to the appropriate Child Protective Service Unit within 48 hours of any initial report.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Removes all amendatory changes requiring the Child Protective Service Unit to send a notification letter to a child's school following an investigation and finding of physical or sexual abuse. Instead provides that the Child Protective Service Unit shall send a copy of its final finding report to the school that the child, who is the indicated victim of child abuse (rather than the indicated victim of the report), attends. Requires the report to be sent during the summer to the last school that the child attended. Provides that the final finding report shall provide the date of expungement from the central register and the school shall purge the final finding report from the student's record in accordance with the Illinois School Student Records Act.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the Course of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that all public high schools, including charter schools, shall designate and annually observe a week known as "Workplace Readiness Week". Provides that students shall be provided information on their rights as workers during that week, and sets forth what information must be included. Provides that for students in grades 11 and 12, the information shall be integrated into the regular school program but may also be provided during special events after regular school hours. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Provides that all public high schools, including charter schools, may (rather than shall) designate and annually observe a week known as "Workplace Readiness Week". Makes conforming changes.


7/1/2024 - Effective Date July 1, 2024

7/1/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0598





Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that in the development of the individualized education program for a student who is 17 years of age or older, or will be during that school year, the IEP team shall consider voter registration as an appropriate goal or competency to be included in the IEP, and, if appropriate, when and how voter registration shall be accomplished. Provides that any resulting decisions shall be included in the IEP. Effective July 1, 2024.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the School Code. Provides that subject to the availability of local resources, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, each public middle school, junior high school, and high school may establish a junior color guard program to promote the value of and honor military personnel. Provides that the junior color guard may be used at school events, including interscholastic athletic events and other events in which the presenting of the colors is requested. Provides that each school may allow the junior color guard to participate in community events in which the presenting of the colors may be requested. Provides that each school may work with a civic organization or association to provide adequate training to the members of the junior color guard on the execution of their duties.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Provides for the issuance of a Montessori educator license to qualified individuals to teach using the Montessori method in public school programs that use the Montessori method as the primary method of instruction. Sets forth the requirements that an individual must satisfy to be issued a Montessori educator license, which include requiring the applicant to have (i) graduated from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with a bachelor's degree, (ii) a Montessori certificate or credential issued by an institution accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education, by the American Montessori Society, or by the Association Montessori Internationale, and (iii) successfully completed required testing. Makes related changes to provisions concerning educator testing and fees.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools




Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. Provides that no public high school of a school district may punish or penalize a student because of an unpaid balance on the student's school account. Removes a provision making the prohibition on withholding a student's grades, transcripts, or diploma because of an unpaid balance inoperative beginning 3 years from May 5, 2022. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that if a student who is 18 years of age or older with no legal guardian is placed residentially outside of the school district in which the student's parent lives and the placement is funded by a State agency or through private insurance, then the resident district is the school district in which the parent lives. Effective immediately.


7/19/2024 - Effective Date July 19, 2024

7/19/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0676



House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Provides that, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, each school district shall: (1) notify the parents or guardians of each student enrolled in the school district about any mental health services available in the school in which the student is enrolled, in the school district, or in the community where the school is located; and (2) notify each student enrolled in the school district who is 12 years of age or older of specified information in an age and developmentally appropriate manner. Sets forth provisions concerning when and how the required notifications are provided.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/24/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

4/24/2024 - FIRST READING




Amends the Lobbyist Registration Act. Provides that the Secretary of State may (1) revoke or suspend for a maximum period of one year, or bar from registration for a maximum period of one year, the registration of an individual under the Act for the failure to file specified reports or to pay a specified penalty; (2) investigate the activities of any person who is or who has allegedly been engaged in lobbying and who may be in violation of the Act; and (3) require any registrant or entity registered under the Act to produce documentary evidence that is relevant or material or to give testimony that is relevant or material to an investigation. Provides that each person required to register or file a report under the Act shall maintain the records relating to the report for a period of at least 3 years. Provides that the Secretary of State may request to examine or cause to be examined the books and records of a registrant or an individual renewing his or her registration under the Act to the extent that those books and records relate to lobbying. Provides that documents and evidence produced or collected by the Secretary of State during the course of an investigation shall be exempted from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that the Secretary of State may revoke or suspend the registration of a registrant or an individual renewing his or her registration under the Act if that individual fails to comply with a request from the Secretary of State to furnish the specified information. Makes changes in provisions concerning definitions; persons required to register; lobbyist registration and disclosure; and reports. Amends the Freedom of Information Act to make a conforming change.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/10/2024 - House Ethics & Elections

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that each school board may provide instruction in anti-litter education in all grades and include that instruction in the courses of study regularly taught in those grades. Provides that by January 1, 2025, the State Board of Education shall post on its Internet website instructional materials relating to teaching anti-litter education. Creates the Anti-Litter Education Fund as a special fund in the State treasury. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the State Superintendent of Education may provide a grant to a school district to support the school district's anti-litter programming, including implementation of litterbug programs within the schools of the district. Provides that grants may be awarded from the Anti-Litter Education Fund. Provides for rulemaking. Amends the State Finance Act to make a conforming change. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Boundary Changes Article of the School Code. With respect to a petition to change school district boundaries, provides that the length of time for signatures to be valid, before the filing of the petition, shall not exceed one year (rather than 6 months). Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

3/20/2024 - House Ethics & Elections


Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that all school districts shall, with guidance and standards provided by the State Board of Education and a group of educators convened by the State Board of Education, ensure that students receive developmentally appropriate opportunities to gain digital literacy skills beginning in elementary school. Provides that digital literacy instruction shall include developmentally appropriate instruction in digital citizenship skills, media literacy, and AI literacy. Provides that digital literacy skills may, based on the recommendation of the State Board of Education, incorporate existing computer literacy standards. Sets forth what the digital citizenship skills instruction, media literacy instruction, and AI literacy instruction shall include. Effective July 1, 2024.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the School Code. Provides that a public school student may communicate and work with federally elected, State-elected, or locally elected officials or other stakeholders or officials as part of the student's education.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that an individual or group policy of accident and health insurance or managed care plan that is amended, delivered, issued, or renewed in this State on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall provide coverage for health care services provided at a school-based health center at the same rate that would apply if those health care services were provided in a different health care setting.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


Amends the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Administrative Act. In a provision requiring the Department of Human Service' Division of Mental Health to implement a direct support professional credential pilot program, delays the pilot program's start date to Fiscal Year 2025 (rather than Fiscal Year 2024). Amends the School Code. Provides that beginning with the 2026-2027 school year (rather than the 2025-2026 school year) and continuing for not less than 2 years, the State Board of Education shall make available a model program of study that incorporates the training and experience necessary to serve as a direct support professional. Provides that by July 1, 2025 (rather than by July 1, 2023) the Department of Human Service must submit recommendations to the State Board of Education for the training that would be required in order to complete the model program of study. Amends the Public Community College Act. Provides that by July 1, 2026 (rather than by July 1, 2025), the Illinois Community College Board shall submit recommendations for a model program of study, for credit, that incorporates the training and experience necessary to serve as a direct support professional to the Department of Human Services. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the Regional Superintendent of Schools Article of the School Code. Makes changes concerning high school equivalency testing. Amends the Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act. Removes provisions concerning funding transitional mathematics instruction. Amends the Student Parent Data Collection Act to make changes regarding the date that public universities shall report collected data. Amends the Board of Higher Education Act. Provides that the Illinois Community College Board shall submit to the Board of Higher Education by December 15 (instead of November 15) of each year its budget proposal for the operation and capital needs of the institutions under its governance or supervision for the ensuing fiscal year. Amends the Public Community College Act. Makes changes concerning standing advisory organizations recognized by the Illinois Community College Board, the Board's powers and duties, spending local funds after the dissolution or reorganization of a community college district, the academic term, the bond a treasurer shall execute, contract bidding, the report on administrator and faculty salaries and benefits, and building program participation. Repeals a Section concerning the building program's plan approval. Amends the Know Before You Owe Private Education Loan Act. Repeals a Section concerning annual certification and maintenance of approval.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the Board of Higher Education Act. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the Board of Higher Education shall create a student teaching stipend program to alleviate the financial burden of student teaching and to encourage students to pursue teaching careers to alleviate this State's teacher shortage. Provides that to participate in the stipend program, an eligible student must be placed as a student teacher no later than June 1, 2025 or no later than June 1 each year thereafter. Provides that an educator preparation program shall notify the Board of all eligible students who qualify for the stipend program by July 1, 2025 and no later than July 1 each year thereafter and all eligible students shall be participants in the stipend program. Provides that no later than August 1, 2025 and no later than August 1 each year thereafter, subject to available appropriations, the Board shall disburse to each educator preparation program funds to distribute to each eligible student a stipend of up to $10,000 per semester for up to 2 consecutive semesters, plus additional funds to pay the direct costs of operating the stipend program. Provides that the educator preparation program shall distribute stipend funds using the standard methods for allocating State-based financial aid or as wages for employment to each eligible student in monthly installments. Sets forth additional provisions concerning the distribution of funds. Provides for rulemaking.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. Removes provisions specifying notification deadlines. Provides that, subject to available appropriations, the Board shall disburse to each educator preparation program funds to distribute to each eligible cooperating teacher a stipend of up to $2,000 per semester for up to 2 consecutive semesters per academic year, plus additional funds to pay the direct costs of operating the stipend program. Sets forth provisions concerning the distribution of funds to eligible cooperating teachers. Provides that an educator preparation program may not prohibit an eligible student or an eligible cooperating teacher from participating in the stipend program or receiving a stipend from the stipend program. Sets forth provisions concerning cooperating teacher training.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as amended by House Amendment No. 1 with the following changes. Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. Provides that "salary" includes stipends paid to an eligible cooperating teacher under the Board of Higher Education Act. Authorizes a person to establish optional credit for periods of service as a student teacher under a specified provision of the Board of Higher Education Act. In provisions requiring an additional employer contribution for certain salary increases greater than 6%, provides that the System shall exclude any stipends paid to an eligible cooperating teacher under the Board of Higher Education Act. Provides that any benefit increase that results from the amendatory Act is excluded from the definition of "new benefit increase". Makes changes concerning how funds are to be distributed under the student teaching stipend program. Provides that the Board of Higher Education shall disburse funds to the State Board of Education, who shall disburse funds to each school district or early childhood education provider employing an eligible cooperating teacher (instead of having the Board of Higher Education disburse funds to educator preparation programs employing an eligible cooperating teacher). Makes related changes. Makes changes concerning when the report shall be completed. Provides that the Board of Higher Education shall provide guidance and technical assistance to educator preparation programs on the administration of the stipend program. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/15/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

5/15/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the School Code. Makes stylistic changes in provisions concerning institutes or inservice training workshops. In provisions concerning inservice training programs, removes the requirement that the training regarding health conditions of students include the chronic health conditions of students and provides that school district employees who are trained to respond to trauma under the provisions shall be immune from civil liability in the use of a trauma kit unless the action constitutes willful or wanton misconduct. Provides that training regarding the implementation of trauma-informed practices under the provisions concerning institutes or inservice training workshops satisfies the requirements under the provisions concerning inservice training programs. Removes certain provisions that require a school board to conduct inservice training for all school district employees on the methods to respond to trauma. Makes technical changes having a revisory function. Effective January 1, 2025.


7/1/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025

7/1/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0603



Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Instead of requiring consumer education to be taught and studied, provides that, beginning with pupils entering the 9th grade in the 2027-2028 school year, pupils in the public schools in grade 11 or 12 shall be taught and be required to complete a stand-alone, one-semester or equivalent course covering personal finance. Sets forth what topics must be included. Provides that the State Board of Education shall devise or approve the personal finance education standards for the course. Provides that the school board shall oversee implementation of the course for each high school student prior to graduation. Provides that the State Board of Education shall establish a Financial Literacy Implementation Committee no later than June 30, 2024 to make recommendations to the State Superintendent of Education concerning the implementation of the course for each high school student prior to graduation. Sets forth provisions concerning Committee members, meetings, and support. Provides that the State Board of Education shall present regular and timely reports to the Committee regarding the implementation of the course. Requires a pupil to successfully complete a course on personal finance education as a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma (rather than allowing a financial literacy course to be included as part of the social studies requirement). Makes other changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Downstate Teacher Article of the Illinois Pension Code. In a provision defining "eligible employment" for the purpose of allowing a teacher to return to teaching in subject shortage areas without impairing his or her retirement status or retirement annuity, changes the ending date of the employment from no later than June 30, 2024 to no later than June 30, 2029. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/17/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

4/17/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning educator testing, provides that an applicant for a Professional Educator License with a school support personnel endorsement for non-teaching speech-language pathologist may satisfy the requirement of passing a test of content area knowledge by passing the national Praxis test in speech-language pathology administered by the Educational Testing Service. Provides that an applicant for a Professional Educator License with a school support personnel endorsement for non-teaching speech-language pathologist may complete a school internship, externship, or practicum prior to taking the Praxis test, but must pass the Praxis test in speech-language pathology prior to licensure.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


Amends the University of Illinois Act. In provisions concerning scholarships for the children of veterans, provides that an honorary scholarship may also be given to the children of persons who served at any time during the invasion of Panama between December 20, 1989 and January 31, 1990.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/17/2024 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments

5/10/2024 - Rule 2-10 Committee Deadline Established As May 17, 2024


Amends the Private Business and Vocational Schools Act of 2012. Provides that the Board of Higher Education may issue a cease and desist order to any school operating without the required permit of approval and may impose a civil penalty. Sets forth various requirements for the cease and desist order and the penalty. Amends the Private College Act and the Academic Degree Act to make similar changes.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Further Amends the Private College Act. Provides that, upon application of the Board of Higher Education's Executive Director, the Attorney General, or any State's Attorney, the circuit court of each county in which a violation of the Act or rules has occurred shall have jurisdiction to enjoin such a violation.


7/22/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025

7/22/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0683



Amends the Public Utilities Act. Provides that "confidential information" means, for purposes of a provision requiring the results of each public school's Carbon-Free Assessment to be memorialized in a non-confidential report that redacts confidential information, information or facts exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Provides that "confidential information" does not include program offerings, solar opportunities, health and safety certifications, energy efficiency recommendations, information about transportation and other funding offerings. Provides that a copy of the Public Schools Carbon-Free Assessment report shall be provided to the applicable public school by the utility or the third party acting on behalf of the utility.


7/19/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025

7/19/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0684





Appropriates $209,000,000 from the General Revenue Fund to the State Board of Education for costs associated with the Healthy School Meals for All Program. Effective July 1, 2024.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/29/2024 - Rule 19(b) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/14/2024 - House Appropriations-Elementary & Secondary Education


Creates the Paraprofessional Fast Track to Teaching Degree Pilot Program Act. Makes findings. Provides that the Paraprofessional Fast Track to Teaching Degree Pilot Program is created for a 2-year degree pathway by which paraprofessional educators may enroll to achieve the education requirements to attain a professional educator license in this State, which shall comply with the standards of the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education. Provides that, subject to appropriation, beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year or, if funds are not appropriated for the Program that academic year, beginning with the academic year in which funds are appropriated for the Program, the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education shall coordinate with each other to assign a qualified individual to serve as a Program director to develop the curriculum for the Program. Provides that one public elementary or public secondary school and one public university in this State shall be chosen to develop a program for transitioning paraprofessionals to teachers. Includes the core components of the Program. Provides that the State Board of Education and the Board of Higher Education must submit a report to the Governor, the General Assembly, and the Legislative Reference Bureau detailing the impact of the Program and then the Program is dissolved and the Act is repealed. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee




Amends the Charter Schools Law of the School Code. Provides that an initial charter shall be granted for a period of no more than 3 school years (instead of for a period of 5 school years). Provides that a charter may be renewed in incremental periods not to exceed 3 (instead of 10) school years. Makes conforming changes. Amends the Chicago School District Article of the School Code. Specifies that nothing in the provisions concerning a moratorium on school closings, consolidations, and phase-outs affects the Chicago Board of Education's ability to not renew its authorization of a charter or contract school.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools




Amends the Employment of Teachers Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning holidays, provides that a school board or other entity eligible to apply for waivers and modifications under the Code is authorized to hold school or schedule teachers' institutes, parent-teacher conferences, or staff development on November 5, 2024 (2024 General Election Day) if certain conditions are met. Effective July 1, 2024.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

3/20/2024 - House Ethics & Elections


Amends the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall establish and administer a program to award property tax relief grants to school districts in this State. Provides that, in exchange for receiving a grant, a school district's maximum aggregate property tax extension for the taxable year that begins on January 1 of the fiscal year for which the grant is awarded may not exceed an adjusted maximum aggregate property tax extension for that taxable year. Creates the Education Property Tax Relief Fund as a special fund in the State treasury for the purpose of awarding grants. Sets forth provisions concerning the Education Property Tax Relief Fund. Amends the State Finance Act to make conforming changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/9/2024 - Chief Sponsor Changed to Rep. Dan Ugaste

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


House FLoor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that, beginning with the 2026-2027 school year, every public school shall provide instruction on climate change, which shall include, but not be limited to, identifying the environmental and ecological impacts of climate change on individuals and communities and evaluating solutions for addressing and mitigating the impact of climate change and shall be in alignment with State learning standards, as appropriate. Provides that the State Board of Education shall, subject to appropriation, prepare and make available multi-disciplinary instructional resources and professional learning opportunities for educators that may be used to meet the requirements of the instruction. Effective July 1, 2025.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0837

8/9/2024 - Effective Date July 1, 2025





Amends the School Code. In provisions concerning sexual misconduct in schools, provides that guidelines established for certain situations and all available methods for how to report staff-student boundary violations within a school and to external agencies must be posted on the website, if any, of each school district, charter school, or nonpublic school and must be included in any staff, student, or parent handbook provided by the school district, charter school, or nonpublic school. In provisions concerning an employment history review, provides that a job applicant shall provide the name, address, telephone number, and other relevant contact information of the applicant's current employer only if the applicant has direct contact with children or students at the applicant's current employer. Provides that for a substitute employee licensed by the State Board of Education and seeking employment in more than one school district, the employment history review shall be conducted by the regional office of education or intermediate service center in which the school districts are located. Provides for when this review is required and how the review remains valid, and provides for immunity for regional offices of education and intermediate service centers.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/14/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

5/14/2024 - FIRST READING




Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning State interventions, provides that the support provided by a vendor or learning partner approved to support a school's continuous improvement plan related to English language arts must be based on the comprehensive literacy plan for the State developed by the State Board of Education.


8/2/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0735

8/2/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025



House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall, in consultation with the Department of Public Health, compile resources for elementary and secondary schools relating to indoor air quality in schools, including best practices for assessing and maintaining ventilation systems and information on any potential State or federal funding sources that may assist a school in identifying ventilation needs. Provides that the State Board of Education shall compile these resources in consultation with stakeholders, including, but not limited to, the Department of Public Health, local public health professionals, ventilation professionals affiliated with a Department of Labor apprenticeship program, licensed design professionals, representatives from regional offices of education, school district administrators, teachers, or any other relevant professionals, stakeholders, or representatives of State agencies. Provides that, no later than 30 days after resources are compiled, the State Board of Education shall implement outreach strategies to make the compiled resources available to elementary and secondary schools, including publication of the compiled resources on the State Board of Education's website. Provides that the State Board of Education may, in consultation with the Department of Public Health or any other relevant stakeholders, update the compiled resources as necessary. Effective January 1, 2025.


8/2/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0736

8/2/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025





Amends the Transportation Article of the School Code. With respect to the provision of free transportation for pupils, allows a school district to pay the public transit fees of pupils instead (rather than providing an exception for pupils for whom the school board certifies to the State Board of Education that adequate transportation for the public is available). In provisions allowing for free transportation if conditions are such that walking constitutes a serious hazard, removes the provision specifying that such transportation shall not be provided if adequate transportation for the public is available. Makes related changes. Effective July 1, 2025.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/26/2024 - Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Extended-Rule May 31, 2024


Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that it shall be the policy of the State to encourage foreign-born drivers to apply and work as school bus drivers in the State. No State law or action shall prohibit, directly or indirectly, the application of a foreign-born, non-citizen, or non-domiciled driver from applying for a CLP or a CDL for a driver ultimately seeking a type S endorsement as a school bus driver or a school bus driver permit. Provides that where reasonable, all course work, course descriptions, and test proctoring and the application of other requirements for a CLP, CDL, initial or renewal classroom training course administered by the Illinois State Board of Education, or a type S endorsement for a driver ultimately seeking a type S endorsement as a school bus driver, written or in person, may be made available or be obtainable in Spanish, in addition to other languages as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of State or the Illinois State Board of Education.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety


Amends various Acts concerning children's mental health. Amends the School Code. Provides that on or before October 1, 2024, the State Board of Education, in consultation with the Children's Behavioral Health Transformation Team, the Office of the Governor, and relevant stakeholders as needed shall release a strategy that includes a tool for measuring capacity and readiness to implement universal mental health screening of students. Provides that the State Board of Education shall issue a report to the Governor and the General Assembly on school district readiness and plan for phased approach to universal mental health screening of students on or before April 1, 2025. Repeals the Wellness Checks in Schools Program Act. Amends the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that the Department of Healthcare and Family Services shall implement guidance to managed care organizations and similar care coordination entities contracted with the Department, so that the managed care organizations and care coordination entities respond to lead indicators with services and interventions that are designed to help stabilize the child. Amends the Children's Mental Health Act. Provides that the Children's Mental Health Partnership shall advise the Children's Behavioral Health Transformation Initiative on designing and implementing short-term and long-term strategies to provide comprehensive and coordinated services for children from birth to age 25 and their families with the goal of addressing children's mental health needs across a full continuum of care, including social determinants of health, prevention, early identification, and treatment. Provides that the Department of Public health (rather than the Department of Healthcare and Family Services) shall provide technical and administrative support for the Partnership. Deletes provision that the Partnership shall employ an Executive Director and set the compensation of the Executive Director and other such employees and technical assistance as it deems necessary to carry out its duties. Amends the Interagency Children's Behavioral Health Services Act. Provides that the Children's Behavioral Health Transformation Team in collaboration with the Department of Human Services shall develop a program to provide one-on-one in-home respite behavioral health aids to youth requiring intensive supervision due to behavioral health needs. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/4/2024 - House Mental Health & Addiction

3/22/2024 - House Mental Health & Addiction


House Committee Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the School Code. Provides that on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act, the State Board of Education may not provide funding for any standardized assessment or test any students in grades kindergarten through 6 beyond the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act. Provides that nothing in these provisions may be construed to limit the ability of a classroom teacher or school district to develop, purchase, administer, or score an assessment for an individual classroom, grade level, or group of grade levels in any subject area in grades kindergarten through 6. Provides that the State Board of Education shall explore any assessment flexibility afforded to states through waivers under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as amended by House Amendment No. 2 with the following changes. Provides that on or after the effective date of the amendatory Act, the State Board of Education may not mandate or require the use of funding for any additional standardized assessments in the content areas of English language arts, mathematics, or science in grades kindergarten through 6 beyond the requirements of federal law (instead of providing that the State Board of Education may not provide funding for any standardized assessment or test any students in grades kindergarten through 6 beyond the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act). Makes a conforming change.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

4/19/2024 - FIRST READING


Senate Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Implementation Act. Adds, deletes, and makes changes to various statutory provisions as needed to implement the State budget for Fiscal Year 2025. Effective immediately, except some provisions take effect July 1, 2024 and some provisions take effect January 1, 2025.


6/5/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0588

6/5/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025; ;Some Provisions



Amends the Chicago School District Article of the School Code. Provides that a local school council shall have and exercise the power and duty to contract with the Chicago Police Department to have police officers or school resource officers on school grounds. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/31/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Employment of Teachers Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning holidays, provides that no deduction shall be made from the time or compensation of a school employee, including an educational support personnel employee, on account of any legal or special holiday during which time the employee is contractually employed (instead of on account of any legal or special holiday in which that employee would have otherwise been scheduled to work but for the legal or special holiday).


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Dual Credit Quality Act. Makes changes concerning high school and community college partnership agreements, the Dual Credit Committee, instructor and other standards for dual credit courses, and the data in reports made by institutions of higher learning. Provides that a Dual Credit Instructor Endorsement Framework shall be developed through a committee involving collaboration between the Illinois Community College Board and the State Board of Education by December 31, 2024. Sets forth the membership of the committee. Provides that the Framework shall establish criteria for evaluating instructors on the basis of academic credentials, progress toward academic credentials, equivalent experience, or some combination of these. Sets forth what the criteria shall include and what the Framework may do. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as introduced with the following changes. Provides that a Dual Credit Instructor Qualification Framework (instead of a Dual Credit Instructor Endorsement Framework) shall be developed through a committee involving collaboration between the Illinois Community College Board and the State Board of Education by December 31, 2024. Changes the membership of the committee and what the Framework shall include. Makes related changes concerning school district and community college partnership agreements, the Dual Credit Committee, and instructor and other standards for dual credit courses. Makes other changes. Effective immediately.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as amended by House Amendment No. 1 with the following changes. Makes changes concerning high school and community college partnership agreements, out-of-state dual credit contracts, and standards concerning dual credit courses. Provides that the Illinois Community College Board shall conduct a study to examine dual credit students and their short-term and long-term outcomes, including determining how differing types and levels of credit-hour achievement influence college enrollment, persistence, advancement, and completion, either at a public community college or public university. Sets forth requirements concerning the study. Changes the membership of the Dual Credit Committee and requirements concerning the Dual Credit Instructor Qualification Framework. Makes grammatical and stylistic changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

4/19/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Act. Removes provisions concerning geographic regional hubs established by the Board of Higher Education, the Illinois Community College Board, and member institutions. Removes references to the Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development. In provisions concerning the membership of the advisory committee to the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity, provides that specified appointments made by the Governor's Office of Early Childhood Development shall instead be made by the Department of Human Services. Provides that all appointed positions on the advisory committee shall have their term length chosen by agreement among the co-chairpersons of the advisory committee. Provides that the advisory committee shall meet at least twice a year (instead of quarterly). Makes changes regarding what information shall be reported. Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall implement and administer an early childhood educator scholarship program, to be known as the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship Program. Provides that under the Program, the Commission shall annually award scholarships to early childhood education students enrolled in the institutions of higher education participating in the Consortium. Provides for rulemaking and consultation. Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act to provide for emergency rulemaking for the Program. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as introduced with the following changes. With respect to the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Act, removes the changes concerning the appointment of members to the advisory committee. Removes the provisions concerning goals and metrics.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as amended by House Amendment No. 1 with the following changes. Makes changes regarding what information shall be reported by the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity. In provisions concerning the membership of the Consortium advisory committee, provides that the member of the advisory committee representing the Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall be appointed by the Illinois Student Assistance Commission (rather than the Board of Higher Education). Sets forth provisions concerning the length of terms for members of the advisory committee. Provides that the members of the advisory committee shall serve without compensation, but shall be entitled to reimbursement for all necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties as members of the advisory committee from funds appropriated for that purpose. Removes provisions requiring that all appointed positions on the advisory committee shall have their term length chosen by agreement among the co-chairpersons of the advisory committee. Makes changes to provisions concerning scholarships awarded by the Early Childhood Access Consortium for Equity Scholarship Program. With respect to the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act, removes language providing for emergency rulemaking for the Program. Effective immediately.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - In provisions concerning the advisory committee, changes specific references of "advisory council" to "advisory committee". Provides that the initial terms of the advisory committee members after the effective date of the amendatory Act shall be set (instead of shall set) by lottery at the first meeting after the effective date of the amendatory Act. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/25/2024 - Rule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 26, 2024


Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Allows an applicant to qualify for a Short-Term Substitute Teaching License if the applicant has retired in good standing while holding a valid paraprofessional educator endorsement on an Educator License with Stipulations.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools


Amends the Department of Public Health Powers and Duties Law of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois. Repeals a requirement for the Department of Public Health to provide to school districts educational materials on meningococcal disease and meningococcal vaccines. Amends the School Code to make conforming changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Senate Committee Amendment No. 3 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Removes the restriction providing that no candidate may be allowed to student teach or serve as the teacher of record until the candidate has passed the applicable content area test. Provides that the Teacher Performance Assessment Task Force shall report to the State Board of Education and the General Assembly on or before October 31, 2024 (rather than August 1, 2024). Provides that the State Board of Education's rules for scoring the content area knowledge test may include scoring and retaking of each test section separately and independently. Effective immediately.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0846

8/9/2024 - Effective Date August 9, 2024





Amends the State Universities Civil Service Act. Provides that nothing in the Act or any rules adopted under the Act prevents the parties to a collective bargaining agreement subject to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act from agreeing to a provision that enhances employee rights.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/17/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

4/17/2024 - FIRST READING




Amends the Unemployment Insurance Act. Provides that with respect to a week of unemployment beginning on or after March 15, 2020 (rather than beginning on or after March 15, 2020, and before September 4, 2021 (including any week of unemployment beginning on or after January 1, 2021 and on or before June 25, 2021)) benefits shall be payable to an individual on the basis of wages for employment in other than an instructional, research, or principal administrative capacity performed for an educational institution or an educational service agency under specified circumstances, as long as the individual is otherwise eligible for benefits.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Labor & Commerce


Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning bullying prevention, provides that "policy on bullying" means a bullying prevention policy that is age and developmentally appropriate. Effective July 1, 2024.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/26/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading




Amends the School Code. In provisions concerning radon testing, provides that every school building of a school district that is occupied or will be occupied shall be tested by January 1, 2028 and shall be tested every 5 years thereafter for radon (instead of recommending that every occupied school building of a school district be tested every 5 years for radon). Provides that all new schools of a school district shall be built using radon resistant new construction techniques in accordance with the American National Standards Institute/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists CC-1000, Soil Gas Control Systems in New Construction of Multifamily, School, Commercial and Mixed-Use Buildings standard or a successor standard (instead of recommending that new schools of a school district be built using radon resistant new construction techniques, as shown in the United States Environmental Protection Agency document, Radon Prevention in the Design and Construction of Schools and Other Large Buildings). Removes a provision allowing a person to perform radon screening tests without a license. Makes changes concerning the exemption. Provides that if radon is found to exceed specified levels, then the school district shall (instead of may) hire a licensed radon professional to perform confirmatory measurements (instead of to perform measurements before any mitigation decisions are made). Sets forth provisions concerning mitigation. Provides that a school district may use life safety funds, if available, for radon testing and mitigation. Preempts home rule powers.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools




Amends the Gifted and Talented Children and Children Eligible for Accelerated Placement Article of the School Code. Provides that a school district's accelerated placement policy may allow for the waiver of a course or unit of instruction completion requirement if (i) completion of the course or unit of instruction is required by the Code or rules adopted by the State Board of Education as a prerequisite to receiving a high school diploma and (ii) the school district has determined that the student has demonstrated mastery of or competency in the content of the course or unit of instruction. Provides that the school district shall maintain documentation of this determination of mastery or competency for each student, which must include identification of the learning standards or competencies reviewed, the methods of measurement used, student performance, the date of the determination, and identification of the district personnel involved in the determination process. Provides that a school district must provide notification to a student's parent or guardian that the student will receive a waiver. Makes a corresponding change in the Courses of Study Article of the Code. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the bill as introduced with the following changes. In provisions concerning accelerated placement, provides that a school district's accelerated placement policy shall cover a student who exceeds State standards in specified coursework (instead of meets or exceeds State standards in specified coursework). Provides that by no later than the beginning of the 2027-2028 school year, a school district's accelerated placement policy shall provide the option, in the following school term, for a student to enroll in the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework offered by the high school if the student meets State standards in English language arts, mathematics, or science on a State assessment administered following specified requirements for specified coursework. Effective immediately.

House Floor Amendment No. 2 - Provides that by no later than the beginning of the 2027-2028 school year, a school district's accelerated placement policy shall allow for automatic eligibility (instead of provide the option), in the following school term, for a student to enroll in the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework offered by the high school if the student meets State standards in English language arts, mathematics, or science on a State assessment. Provides that a school district's accelerated placement policy must include a process through which the parent or guardian of each student who meets State standards is provided notification in writing of the student's eligibility for enrollment in accelerated courses. Sets forth what the notification must provide. Provides that nothing in the provisions concerning accelerated placement shall prohibit the implementation of policies that allow for automatic enrollment of students who meet standards on State assessments into the next most rigorous level of advanced coursework offered by a high school.


8/2/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0743

8/2/2024 - Effective Date August 2, 2024





Amends the Illinois School Student Records Act. Provides that the term "Student Permanent Record" may include reports of psychological evaluations, including information on intelligence and personality, academic information obtained through test administration, observation, or interviews, elementary and secondary achievement-level test results, special education records, and records associated with a plan developed under Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973. With respect to the term "Student Permanent Record", removes intelligence test scores, aptitude test scores, psychological and personality test results, teacher evaluations, and other information of clear relevance to the education of a student from the information allowed to be included. Provides that if consent is provided by a student or the student's parent or guardian, then a copy of the student's school student records shall be provided at no cost to the Guardianship and Advocacy Commission, an independent service coordination agency, or Equip for Equality to establish access to adult disability services and related benefits.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading


House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning transition services, provides that the student's transition plan shall include consideration of the student's assistive technology needs, such as assistive technology evaluations, devices, and services, related to the student's transition goals for employment, education or training, and independent living, both while the student is participating in transition-related activities and in post-school activities. Provides that the student's transition plan shall also include consideration of the availability and accessibility of appropriate assistive technology devices and services for the student once in the post-school environment. Effective immediately.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0854

8/9/2024 - Effective Date



Creates the Family Neonatal Intensive Care Leave Act. Provides that all employees shall be entitled to use a maximum of 10 days of unpaid neonatal intensive care leave while a child of the employee is a patient in a neonatal intensive care unit. Provides that an employer shall not require that an employee use leave the employee is entitled to under the Family Medical Leave Act instead of leave the employee is entitled to under the Act. Sets forth provisions concerning unlawful employer practices; Department of Labor responsibilities; and enforcement. Amends the State Finance Act to create the Neonatal Intensive Care Leave Fund.

House Floor Amendment No. 4 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the State of Illinois is considered an employer under the provisions of the Family Neonatal Intensive Care Leave Act. Provides that an employee of an employer with 16 or more employees and no more than 50 employees shall be entitled to use a maximum of 10 days of unpaid neonatal intensive care leave while a child of the employee is a patient in a neonatal intensive care unit. Provides that an employee of an employer with 51 or more employees shall be entitled to use 20 days of unpaid neonatal intensive care leave while a child of the employee is a patient in a neonatal intensive care unit. Provides that an employee of an employer with 50 or fewer employees shall be entitled to use a maximum of 10 days of unpaid neonatal intensive care leave while a child of the employee is a patient in a neonatal intensive care unit and an employee of an employer with more than 51 employees shall be entitled to use 20 days of unpaid neonatal intensive care leave while a child of the employee is a patient in a neonatal intensive care unit. Provides that an employer shall not require an employee who uses unpaid neonatal intensive care leave to provide a replacement worker. Provides that an employee who is entitled to take paid or unpaid leave, including family, medical, sick, annual, personal, or similar leave, from employment, under federal, State, or local law, a collective bargaining agreement, or an employment benefits program or plan, may elect to substitute any period of leave for an equivalent period of leave provided under the Act. Provides that, upon the conclusion of leave taken under the Act, an employee shall be reinstated to his or her former position or a substantially equivalent one with no loss of benefits held or accrued prior to taking leave. Provides that, during the period of leave, any health insurance benefits shall be maintained by an employer as if an employee had not taken leave. Provides that an employer may require reasonable verification of the employee's child's length of stay in a neonatal intensive care unit. Makes changes to provisions concerning enforcement of the Act. Makes changes to the definitions of "employee" and "employer". Makes other changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

6/26/2024 - Pursuant to Senate Rule 3-9(b) / Referred to Assignments

5/25/2024 - Rule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 26, 2024




Amends the Chicago School District Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning alternative procedures for teacher evaluation, remediation, and removal for cause after remediation, provides that if after the alternative evaluation procedures are determined by the State Board of Education, in a specified report of the State Board of Education, to have clear racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or geographic disparities for the educators evaluated under the alternative evaluation procedures, then the Chicago Board of Education and the exclusive representative of the district's teachers shall enter into negotiations to create a new evaluation system, to be implemented no later than August 15, 2025, that maintains the requirements for the alternative evaluation procedures and remedies the determined racial, ethnic, socio-economic, or geographic disparities. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act. Specifies the annual reporting requirements of the Illinois Labor Relations Board and Illinois Educational and Labor Relations Board. Provides that the Board shall maintain the following schedule upon the filing of unfair labor practice charges filed under this Act: (i) complete the investigation and issue a complaint, dismissal or deferral within 30 days of the charges being filed; (ii) if a complaint is issued, a hearing shall be scheduled to begin within 30 days of its issuance; (iii) post-hearing briefs shall be issued within 30 days of the close of the hearing; and (iv) recommended decisions and orders shall be issued within 45 days of the submission of post-hearing briefs.

House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause with the provisions of the introduced bill with the following changes. Provides that the Illinois Labor Relations Board, at the end of every State fiscal year, shall make a report that includes the number of unfair labor practice charge cases at the end of the fiscal year that have been pending before the Board between 1 and 100 days, 101 and 150 days, 151 and 200 days, 201 and 250 days, 251 and 300 days, 301 and 350 days, 351 and 400 days, 401 and 450 days, 451 and 500 days, 501 and 550 days, 551 and 600 days, 601 and 650 days, 651 and 700 days, and over 701 days, and other data. Provides that the report shall include the Board's progress in meeting timeliness goals, including specified data. Provides that the Board shall adopt goals (i) to ensure effective enforcement through timely and quality consideration and resolution of unfair labor practices with appropriate remedies and (ii) to protect employee free choice with timely and effective mechanisms to resolve questions concerning representation. Provides that the Board shall adopt timeliness goals for the processing of unfair labor practice charges (rather than maintain a certain schedule upon the filing of unfair labor practice charges), including (i) to complete the investigation and issue a complaint, dismissal, or deferral within 100 days (rather than 30 days) of the charges being filed, and, in the case of an appeal, to issue decisions within 90 days of the completion of the Board's process for filing appeals, and (ii) to schedule hearings, upon the issuance of complaints, to begin within 60 days of a complaint's issuance, to issue recommended decisions and orders within 120 days of the close of record, and, if exceptions to recommended decisions and orders are filed, issue Board decisions within 90 days of the completion of the Board's process for filing exceptions (rather than post hearing briefs to be issued within 30 days of the close of hearing and recommended decisions and orders to be issued within 45 days of the submission of post-hearing briefs, no longer than 150 days after the filing of charges, with certain permitted extensions).


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0856

8/9/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025





Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. Provides that a school district shall allow a dependent of United States military personnel who is housed in temporary housing located outside of a school district, but will be living within the district within 6 months after the time of initial enrollment, to be educated through an electronic learning program or remote learning program for the time period that the dependent is housed in temporary housing. Provides that if a dependent of United States military personnel is moving out of the State because the United States military personnel received a permanent change of station order, then the student shall be allowed to remain enrolled in the school district and be educated through an electronic learning program or remote learning program until a student enrolls in another school district.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading




Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Creates a Provisional Educator License and provides that a Provisional Educator License may be issued to persons who have completed the required education coursework in a State-approved educator preparation program, an educator preparation program approved by another state, or comparable educator program in another country, have completed 2 years of student teaching with satisfactory evaluation of performance, and met any other requirements set by the State Board of Education, but have failed to pass a content area knowledge test under the Code. Provides that a Provisional Educator License is valid for 2 years from the date of issuance and may not be renewed. In provisions concerning educator testing, removes provisions stating that there shall be no exceptions for passing a test of content area knowledge. Removes provisions stating that no candidate shall be allowed to student teach or serve as the teacher of record until he or she has passed the applicable content area test. Sets forth exceptions as to when a candidate seeking licensure may not be required to pass a test of content area knowledge. Provides that a candidate seeking licensure for a Professional Educator License may either complete the required testing under the Code or have held a Provisional Educator License for 2 years (instead of completing the required testing under the Code).


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Second Reading




House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act. Provides that no later than 30 days after the first day of each school year, the school board of each public elementary and secondary school in the State shall provide all teachers, administrators, and other school personnel, as determined by school officials, with information regarding emergency procedures and techniques, including, without limitation, the Heimlich maneuver, hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and use of the school district's automatic external defibrillator, and identify the cardiac emergency response team (instead of providing that the school board of each public elementary and secondary school in the State shall encourage all teachers and other school personnel to acquire, develop, and maintain the knowledge and skills necessary to properly administer life-saving techniques, including, without limitation, the Heimlich maneuver and rescue breathing). Makes related changes. Provides that the annual review shall include reviewing procedures regarding the school district's cardiac emergency response plan. Amends the School Safety Drill Act. Provides that school districts and private schools shall develop a cardiac emergency response plan in place in accordance with guidelines set forth by either the American Heart Association or other nationally recognized, evidence-based standards that addresses the appropriate response to incidents involving an individual experiencing sudden cardiac arrest or a similar life-threatening emergency while at a school or at a school-sponsored activity or event. Requires the plan to be distributed to all teachers, administrators, school support personnel, coaches, and other school staff identified by school administrators at each school. Sets forth what shall be included in the cardiac emergency response plan.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Changes references from "automatic external defibrillator" to "automated external defibrillator". Removes the requirement that a school board identify the cardiac emergency response team.


7/1/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025

7/1/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0608





Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning State goals and assessments, provides that students who have been enrolled in schools in the United States for less than 12 months may not be required to participate in the State assessments.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools


Amends the Board of Higher Education Act. Provides that within 6 months of the effective date of the amendatory Act, the Board of Higher Education shall prepare a report to the General Assembly on the state of artificial intelligence education and development in public and private institutions of higher education. Sets forth what the report shall contain.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/31/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

5/31/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


Amends the Courses of Study Article of the School Code. Provides that, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year, every public elementary school and high school shall include in its curriculum a unit of instruction studying the events of Arab American history, including the history of Arab Americans in the State and the Midwest, as well as the contributions of Arab Americans from the 19th century onward. Provides that the State Superintendent of Education may prepare and make available to all school boards instructional materials, including those established by the Public Broadcasting Service, that may be used as guidelines for the development of the unit of instruction. Provides that each school board shall determine the minimum amount of instructional time that qualifies as a unit of instruction. Provides that the regional superintendent of schools shall monitor a school district's compliance with the curricular requirements during the regional superintendent's annual compliance visit. Provides that a school may meet the requirements through an online program or course. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the Interscholastic Athletic Organization Act. Provides that, for the benefit of the physical and mental health of athletes, beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, all practices, games, or contests by a State high school athletic program or team that is a part of an association or other entity that has, as one of its purposes, promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among high schools and high school students within this State shall meet all specified requirements. Provides that an association or other entity that has as one of its purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among schools and students within this State shall enforce a penalty for a State high school athletic program or team exceeding practice maximums, which may include, but are not limited to, a loss of a practice day or other sanctions determined by the Illinois High School Association for each violation and shall be imposed as appropriate to the level, extent, and duration of the penalty. Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Removes provisions requiring that an association or other entity that has as one of its purposes promoting, sponsoring, regulating, or in any manner providing for interscholastic athletics or any form of athletic competition among schools and students within this State enforce a penalty for a State high school athletic program or team exceeding practice maximums.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Education for Homeless Children Act. In provisions concerning the Education of Homeless Children and Youth State Grant Program, provides that grants shall be awarded to applicant school districts based on the percentage of students experiencing homelessness in an applicant school district (instead of to applicant school districts). Makes other changes concerning the award of grants. Specifies activities eligible for assistance. Provides that the State Board of Education may use up to 25% (instead 5%) of appropriated funds for administrative costs.


8/2/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0744

8/2/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025





Amends the Board of Higher Education Act. Provides that, subject to appropriation, the Board of Higher Education shall create a student teaching stipend program to reduce financial barriers into the teaching profession and increase the quality of the student teaching experience in order to better prepare teaching candidates for the classroom and increase teacher retention. Provides that to participate in the stipend program, an eligible student must be placed as a student teacher. Provides that an educator preparation program shall notify the Board of all eligible students who qualify for the stipend program by July 1. Provides that all eligible students shall be enrolled in the stipend program. Provides that subject to available appropriations, the Board shall disburse to each educator preparation program funds to distribute to each eligible student a stipend of up to $10,000 for one academic semester, plus additional funds to pay the direct costs of operating the stipend program. Sets forth provisions concerning funding if the amount appropriated for the program is insufficient to fund all eligible students. Provides that subject to available appropriations, the Board shall disburse to each educator preparation program funds to distribute to each eligible student a stipend of up to $1,500 per academic semester, plus additional funds to pay the direct costs of operating the stipend program. Provides that a cooperating teacher may receive professional development hours for completing cooperating teacher training that counts towards the cooperating teacher's license renewal or Gateways credential. Provides that an educator preparation program may not prohibit an eligible student or an eligible teacher from participating in the program or receiving a stipend from the program. Provides that, subject to available appropriations, the Board of Higher Education, in collaboration with the State Board of Educations shall report and evaluate about the program to the Governor and General Assembly on or before June 30, 2028 and each June 30 thereafter. Provides for rulemaking.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - House Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee




Amends the Compulsory Attendance Article of the School Code. Provides that a school, school board, or school district shall require a medical note for an absence to be excused only after 9 unexcused absences. Provides that if a student's medical note states that the student should be excused for a specific period of time or if the illness stated in the medical note has a recommended isolation period issued by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, then a school, school board, or school district shall excuse all days listed in the note or for the amount of days of the recommended isolation period set by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




Amends the School Construction Law. In provisions concerning school maintenance project grants, provides that the State Board of Education is authorized to make grants to school districts, regional offices of education, intermediate service centers, and special education cooperatives established by school districts (instead of school districts and special education cooperatives established by school districts). Effective immediately.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the provisions of the introduced bill, but provides that the grants are to be used for school maintenance projects on publicly owned property (rather than providing that the grants are for school maintenance projects). Effective immediately.


7/19/2024 - Effective Date July 19, 2024

7/19/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0713



House Floor Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Children with Disabilities Article of the School Code. Provides that a parent or guardian that moves out of the State after the parent's or guardian's child is placed in a nonpublic school or special education facility, public out-of-state school, or county special education facility shall enroll the child in a school in the other state to initiate reimbursement to Illinois. Provides that if the laws, policies, or procedures of the other state prohibit the foregoing or if the parent or guardian otherwise provides proof of at least one satisfactory attempt to enroll the child but is refused by the other state, the child shall continue to be deemed a resident of the last school district in which the child was enrolled. In provisions concerning the determination that the location of a parent or guardian of a student is unknown, provides that the information submitted from a school district or school or special education facility providing special education to the State Superintendent of Education must include an affidavit from that school district's superintendent or the facility's director attesting that the location of the parent or guardian is unknown and at least 3 satisfactory attempts were made to locate the parent or guardian and no response was received from the parent or guardian within 14 days after such satisfactory attempts (instead of requiring 4 items of documentary evidence that a minimum of 4 separate attempts were made). Provides that any determination by the State Superintendent of Education that the location of a parent or guardian is unknown shall be made as soon as practicable after receipt of the affidavit from the school district's superintendent or the facility's director. Provides that a school district or special education facility may request assistance with determining the location of a parent or guardian from the State Board of Education. In provisions concerning placement in a residential facility, provides that if the child is not currently enrolled in a school district or if the resident school district is unknown, the appropriate resident school district must be identified and the child must be enrolled in that district prior to the placement of the child, except in emergency situations. Provides that the residential facility shall require the parent or guardian of the child to sign a contract upon placement in the residential facility affirming that the parent or guardian understands the parent's or guardian's obligations under State law, including the obligation to enroll the child in the appropriate school district of residence at time of placement or upon the child reaching the age of 3. Provides that the identified school district of residence may not deny enrollment on the basis of the child's placement. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/22/2024 - Referred to Senate Assignments

5/22/2024 - FIRST READING


Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. Provides that a student shall remain on the attendance rolls of a school district until a cause for disenrollment is given and confirmed with specified documentation. Amends the School Board Article of the Code. Requires the school district report card to contain data concerning the number of students who remained on the school district's attendance rolls, and the length of time in which each student remained on the school district's attendance rolls but was not attending school. Amends the Compulsory Attendance Article of the Code to make a corresponding change regarding a chronic or habitual truant.

House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Makes changes concerning the specified documentation that may be provided to confirm a cause for disenrollment.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 2 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee




Amends the Grow Your Own Teacher Education Act. Transfers the powers and duties under the Act from the Board of Higher Education to the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. Replaces the requirement that the Board of Higher Education must contract annually for an independent evaluation of program implementation with the requirement that the Illinois Student Assistance Commission monitor and evaluate the implementation of the program. Provides that the Illinois Student Assistance Commission may elect to contract for an independent evaluation with an outside entity. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Higher Education


Amends the State Universities Retirement System Article of the Illinois Pension Code. With respect to a Section concerning reports on cost reduction, removes provisions requiring that on or before November 15th of each year, the Board of Higher Education, in conjunction with the Governor's Office of Management and Budget, prepare a report showing, on a fiscal year by fiscal year basis, the amount by which the costs associated with compensable sick leave have been reduced as a result of the termination of compensable sick leave accrual on and after January 1, 1998 by employees of higher education institutions who are participants in the System. Amends the Higher Education Veterans Service Act. In provisions concerning reporting, provides that each October 15, each public college and university shall report to the Board of Higher Education, in collaboration with the Illinois Community College Board, on the expenditures for the prior fiscal year for the programs and services related to the efforts of the public college or university in attracting, recruiting, and retaining veterans and military personnel (instead of providing that each September 1, each college and university that is required to have a Coordinator of Veterans and Military Personnel Student Services shall report to the Board of Higher Education on the fiscal impact of the programs and services related to the requirements of the Act and on the efforts of the public college or university in attracting, recruiting, and retaining veterans and military personnel). Requires the Board's report to be filed with the Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Board.

Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Reinserts the contents of the introduced bill with the following changes. With respect to the Section concerning reports on cost reduction in the Illinois Pension Code, provides that, on and after December 31, 2026, the provisions concerning the report on the amount by which costs associated with compensable sick leave have been reduced as a result of the termination of compensable sick leave accrual on and after January 1, 1998 by employees of higher education institutions who are participants in the State Universities Retirement System are inoperative (instead of removing the provisions concerning the report). With respect to the Section concerning expenditure reporting in the Higher Education Veterans Service Act, corrects a reference to the Executive Director of the Illinois Community College Board.


8/9/2024 - Public Act . . . . . . . . . 103-0862

8/9/2024 - Effective Date January 1, 2025



House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Creates the Department of Early Childhood Act. Creates the Department of Early Childhood to begin operation on July 1, 2024 and transfers to it certain rights, powers, duties, and functions currently exercised by various agencies of State Government. Provides that, beginning July 1, 2026 the Department of Early Childhood shall be the lead State agency for administering and providing early childhood education and care programs and services to children and families including: home-visiting services; early intervention services; preschool services; child care services; licensing for day care centers, day care homes, and group day care homes; and other early childhood education and care programs and administrative functions historically managed by the State Board of Education, the Department of Human Services, and the Department of Children and Family Services. Amends the Child Care Act of 1969. Provides that the Department of Early Childhood (rather than the Department of Children and Family Services) administers day care centers, day care homes, and group day care homes. Makes conforming changes to various Acts including the Department of Human Services Act, the Illinois Early Learning Council Act, the Illinois Procurement Code, the School Code, the Illinois Public Aid Code, the Early Intervention Services System Act and the Children and Family Services Act. Effective immediately, except the provisions amending the Child Care Act of 1969 take effect July 1, 2026.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Bills on Third Reading


Amends the Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act. Provides that all higher education institutions shall include in the comprehensive policy concerning sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, information about how the higher education institution protects individuals who report from retaliation. Provides that the higher education institutions procedure for responding to a report shall also include protecting the survivor from retaliation, including a policy and process for early dismissal of any retaliatory claim by a respondent against a survivor, including, but not limited to, claims of defamation, harassment, bullying, and any other violation of policy claims where the actions alleged by the respondent are related to the survivor's report. Makes related changes in provisions concerning student notification of rights and options, confidential advisors, complaint resolution procedures, and campus training. Amends the Citizen Participation Act. Provides that a court shall not permit any person to pursue a defamation action to silence or retaliate against, a person reporting gender-based violence, including cases where the alleged perpetrator is publicly named. Provides that the exception to motions under this Act are when the acts are not genuinely aimed at procuring favorable government action, result, or outcome or when the plaintiff presents clear and convincing evidence that the reporting of gender-based violence constituted speaking with actual malice. Makes related changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 1 Rule 19(c) / Re-referred to Rules Committee


House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Educator Licensure Article of the School Code. Provides that the State Educator Preparation and Licensure Board may allow one member representing the Board of Higher Education and one member representing the Illinois Community College Board to serve as nonvoting, ex officio members on the Board. Specifies that certain community colleges are recognized schools or institutions.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/19/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/19/2024 - House Floor Amendment No. 2 Referred to Rules Committee


Amends the State Board of Education Article of the School Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall require, in a manner and method determined by the State Board, that each school district report the number of student referrals to law enforcement. Provides that the disaggregated data shall include data on referrals to law enforcement required to be submitted by a school district and charter school under the Code. Provides that the State Board of Education shall post the disaggregated data on the State Board's Internet website for the previous school year by October 31, starting with the 2023-2024 school year. Amends the School Boards Article of the School Code. In provisions concerning the suspension or expulsion of pupils, provides that school personnel may not issue a monetary fine, fee, or municipal ticket for school-based behavior as a disciplinary consequence, (instead of providing that a student may not be issued a monetary fine or fee as a disciplinary consequence). Sets forth provisions concerning disciplinary responses of schools. Provides that school personnel (instead of a school district) may not refer a truant, chronic truant, or truant minor to any other local public entity, school resource officer, or peace officer (instead of any other local public entity). Makes conforming changes. Effective immediately.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Elementary & Secondary Education: School Curriculum & Policies




House Committee Amendment No. 1 - Replaces everything after the enacting clause. Amends the Transportation Article of the School Code concerning reimbursement by the State for transportation. Provides that a State-authorized charter school shall be reimbursed by the State. Sets forth provisions concerning how much the State must pay. Provides that a charter school, other than a State-authorized charter school, that offers transportation to eligible students shall be eligible for reimbursement by the State at the same rate as its host district, unless the host district is the Chicago school district, in which case the charter school is eligible for reimbursement by the State at the rate set forth in the charter agreement. Sets forth how the charter school shall make a reimbursement claim. Provides that a charter school, other than a State-authorized charter school, that has previously received regular transportation grant funding from the State Board of Education or is in the process of receiving such funding approved in the same fiscal year as the effective date of the amendatory Act shall retain any awarded funding.

House Floor Amendment No. 3 - Changes references from "a charter school, other than a State-authorized charter school" to "a State-authorized charter school".


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

5/17/2024 - Senate Committee Amendment No. 1 Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments

5/17/2024 - Rule 3-9(a) / Re-referred to Assignments


Amends the Higher Education Student Assistance Act. Provides that, notwithstanding any other law of this State to the contrary, effective on January 1, 2025, or as soon thereafter as is feasible, the Illinois Student Assistance Commission shall release from remaining repayment obligations any recipient of a scholarship, grant, or waiver that has been or may be converted to a student loan under a State program for which the Commission is responsible for collections. In provisions concerning the Minority Teachers of Illinois scholarship program, the Golden Apple Scholars of Illinois Program, special education teacher scholarships, the Optometric Education Scholarship Program, Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License scholarships, and the iGROW Tech Scholarship Program, removes provisions concerning repaying funds received due to the specified failure of the recipient to fulfill scholarship, grant, or waiver obligations. In provisions concerning special education teacher scholarships and Post-Master of Social Work School Social Work Professional Educator License scholarships, provides that a recipient shall sign an agreement that the recipient will meet specified qualifications and provide evidence to the Commission that the recipient is fulfilling or fulfilled the terms of the agreement (instead of specifying that an applicant shall meet the specified qualifications) Amends the Nursing Education Scholarship Law to make similar changes.


1/7/2025 - Session Sine Die

4/5/2024 - Rule 19(a) / Re-referred to Rules Committee

4/3/2024 - House Higher Education